Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



cape of St. Brandon, on the sea coast, and towards Limerick and other parts, and as far as the water near Lismore &c. by the service of 30 knights to be performed by .Robert and 30 knights by Milo &c.'' And this charter he says was granted about the year ll77. 1206. Philip de Prendergast received a grant from King John of fifteen knights' fees, his territory extended from the port of Cork to that of Insovenach ( Galend. Rot. chart. K. John). His son and heir, Gerald de Prendergast, married twice-first, Matilda, daughter of Theobald le Botiller; and secondly, daughter of Richard de Burgo (Pedigree in Ulsters office). Maria, his daughter by the first wife, married John de Cogan, Lord of Castlemore, by whom she had Sir John de Cogan, knt. ; he was aged eight in 1240, and had livery in 1280. She brought the Cogans the lordship b of Beaver, alia& Carrigaline, Ocorblethan, Shandon, and other lands, afterwards granted by Robt. de Cogan to the Earl of Desmond. Matilda, aged ten in 1251, the younger daughter by his second wife, married Maurice de Rochfort, whose son Maurice recovered the advowson of Beaver from the Bishop of Cork as appendant to his moiety of the manor of Beaver, the inheritance of the said Matilda de Prendergast (Plea RoU, .No. 72, 5 Edw. II.). Eventually the Oogans kept Beaver and the Uork estates ; Rochfort took EnniscoTthy and those in Wexford, which his heirs held in 1411, and the male representation of the family devolved on Gerald's brother, from whom come the Prendergasts of Newcastle, co. Tipperary. The family held lands in the county of Cork to a much later date, and the compotWJ of that county (Carew MSS.), in 1254 includes Gerald de Prendergast; whilst the only families who are stated to have held lands there by knights' service in 1314 are the heirs of Fitz- Stephen, and Robert de Carew, and Patrick de Courcy (heirs general to Cogan 1) and Walter de Prendergast. In a list of Irish Peers (.Add. MSS. Brit. Mus., 4,814) im- mediately after the Earls and preceding the Viscounts, appears, 'Prendergast Lord of Clonmell by some of Corke alsoe.' Amongst the Carew papers preserved at Lambeth is an Jnspeximus made by Master Maddy, dated at Cork 12 June 17 Hen. VI., of the "Grant by Robert son of Geoffry Cogan, captain of his nation to James fitzGerald [ - Earl of Desmond his heirs &c. of all his possessions in co. Uork 'Viz. the Manors of Carrigrothan-more, Doundrinan, Rathcogan the new town of Monmor, Mistri-Mythyn, Beaver, Coulmore, Duffglas, Shandon, O'Corblethan, Flanluo, Kerycurthy Kynnal- beke and Mustrelyn, and the reversion of Mustrycogan, viz. Rathcogan, Beablachatha and J erell, together with the rent of 6 marks to be paid annually frr.m the manors of Mustri-Cogan, by the hands of Maurice Roche Lord of Fermoy and his heirs &c." The seals_of the staple and mayoraltie of Cork are affixed to this record. H 1 MSS The oldest charter of the city of Cork, of which only a copy exists, is aN~ 441 ' preserved in the Library of the British Museum, it is· entitled "The · · Charter of King John first Feoffor of the city of Cork, that is, a charter written in French by which John son of Henry II. King of England granted to his citizens of Cork the same free laws and free customs as the citizens of Bristol enjoy." By this charter the king confirms to the citizens of Cork all the enclosure of land of the city of Cork, except a place in the same city,. which he keeps to make a fortress, to them and their heirs to hold of him and his heirs, remaining in free burgage, by such custom and rent as the burgesses of Bristol render yearly of their burgages, and to dower the city of Cork he grants to the citizens all the laws, franchises, and free customs that are at Bristol &c. to make terms and treaties in his hundred of Cork, he forbids that any man do any wrong or deed to them contrary to the aforesaid laws and franchises which he has given them. The witnesses names are not given, but there follows this charter a number of bye laws, whether of Cork or Bristol does not appear, but made in pursuance of some other charter. · Charter The next charter was granted by King Henry III., dated Jan, 2, 1241-42, Hen. in: by which the king grants the citizens "to hold the city of Cork in fee · farm at 80 marks a year, prisage of wines, the citizens not to plead with- out the walls but within their Guildliall, no bail.ift" shall take, against the will of the owners, the chattels, &c., of citizens or merchants entering the city, no citizen shall wage battel in the city, but purge himself by the oath of twenty-four lawful men of

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