. Goldsmiths comp. desire an assay master, 363. Goods feloniously destroyed in· N. liber- ties, 851. . Goulnaspurragh, pas8age narrow, 775, 822, 825, 828, 843, 859. Gossnall, Henry, Chief Justice of Mun- ster, free, 165. Granary, public, 804 1103. Grandison, Earl of, free, 1001. Grand Jury to inquire into the city rights, &c., 249. Grant to Geo. Terry of all the lands, &c., without the new marine_ gate, 230. Green Coat Hospital, the Mayor to take from the trustees a piece of gt"Ound to build Skiddy's and Bretridge'sHospitals on, 395. Guagership, 107, 110, 120, 146. Guard Houses, proper p}ace for, 907 ; plan for, 921 ; new G..H. built, 108(). . Guy, Major, quarters of, 322. Half-pence and farthings, £200 to be pro- cured in, 583; poor starved for want of, 586 ; pet. for supply of, 603. Hangers, 700 steel mounted in H. M. stores at Cork, 760. Harbour, grant for the improvement of, 969. Harrison, Mr., his house forcibly entered, 865. Hartington, Marquis of, free, 685. Hastings, UoL, free, 210 • presses for money for his regt., 219; l780 advanced tol 223, 259, 293, 295. Hero market, sweeping of, 321 ; to be built, 402, 480. Herring fisheryi.::'yor's perquisites, 263; dispute touc · g, 283 ; licence of the mayor to drive for, 313, 404, 736. Hertford, Earl of, Lo.-Lieut, free, 796. Hide, Sir Arthur, free, 139. · Hill, Robt., Consul for the States Gen., free, 261. Hooft, H., Burgomaster of Amsterdam, free, 864. Hospital, The, 67, 68, 82, 128, 129, 130, 149, 189, 209, 214, 409. Houses, t!ptch to be·pulled down from all, 103 · to be numbered, 1019. Howard, John, free, 1019. H. R. H. Prince WilHam Henry, free, 1026. InchequiD, Lo. Bar., Gov. of Munster, free, 204 ; Earl, do., 279, 431, 922.
Indenture between Lo. Barrymore and Edmd. Ba.rry, 70. Infirmary in par. of Shandon, 423. lngoldsby, Brigadier, free, 281. Inhabitants of the dissolved monasteries refuse to contribute to the public I" charge of the city, 181. Inhabita·nts, oppressed by quartering soldiers, 24 7. Inventory of receipts of wine, 112, 113 ; of goods praised, 168, 206. Iris.h, encroaching on the trade of tho Clty, 311 ; merchants, 332. Iron, every tun imported to paf 30s., 108. Island in S. channel belongmg to tho Corporation, 670. • J effreyes, Sir J ., Gov. of Cork, to have quarters, 289; to receive £10 a year, 300; his lodgiJ;lgs, 300, 302, 310; made free, 422. J emmett's Brid~e, 393. Jephson, Capt., msults the mayor, 716. J ewel 1 silver, produced in court and prrused, 80. Judges, lodgings for, 913, 982. Jury impannelled, 9, !6, 18, 20, 29, 31, 46, 75, 96, 101, 117, 121, 124, 140, 142, 144, 149, 157. King George II., proclamation of, 466. Kin2's arms to be set up in S. Peter's C.Ii.urch, 383. King'a picture, freight of, 406. King's Old Castle, lease of, 26~; to be kept in repair 412. Kingsborouib, Lc;rd, free, 911. Kingsmm, llere-Admiral, free, 1092. Kingston, Baron, free 487. KinSale,.Oarrett, Lord, free, 1"'2. Knapf(s Quay, 365. Kyrle a Quay, 388, 391. Lamps, r city ~ relating to 41~, 416, 433, 611, 613; money disbursed for ·570; pet. for non-payment of, 692; bill to continue, 693 ; committee, 617 ; in the city and liberties, 619, 6.21, 624 ; masters, 649 ; renewal of act, 730 ; in- sufficient for the city, 777 ; erecting, 874; regulation of, 877, 90t, 939, 940, 959,966,991,1020,1021, 10i2. Lands, &c., mortgaged by the Ma_y~r, &c., scnedule of, 93 ; where the f&UB are held to be set, 131. 149 Kelly, Jllltice 1 free, 1084. Kilmain, Lora free, 417.
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