;;J~f, r!e~:' 8;i· · burdened Elliott, Earl of, enlisting for the French service, 501.
Councillors to wear gowns, 37. Cou~terfeit halfpence, City With, 581. County, letters against division of, 311. Court House, building, 15. Cove Street, guard at, 758, 759. Cove (of Cork), the Mayor to he furnished with arrivals and dep. of ships, 541, . 567 ; murder near, 626. Cranage, petition against, 214. Creaughe,Gennett, lnventoryof the goods of, 1152. Crone, Ald., to build a draw-bridge, 424, 429. Croker, Mr. T., thanks for his services, 486. Currymarrohoo, fairs at, 678, 869. Custom House ground, 464, 472 ; fire near, 836. Customs to be levied, 7 ; whosoever giving God's penny and not making -good his bargain to be disfranchised, 49; rates to be collected, 89; all sinks to tend to the slips, 119 1 . against for- stallers, 135 ; boats of app es and pears, 158 ; regarding apprentices, 160, 48 !, 151 ; books, deeds, and leases, 417. Dalton, Chief Justice, free, 464. Davies, Rowland, Dean, free, 241; Simon, disfranchised for insulting the Recor- der, 350. Deane, Moses, legacy for charitable uses, 741, 787 795, 858. Dennl8's &;ay, 499. Dickson, ~-i~gh, Recorder, 480. Dive, Bishop of Cork and Ross, free, 275. Dock from Daunt's Bridge to the Post Office to be arched over, 712. Dorset, Duke of, free, 552. Down Survey to be sent for, 389, 426. Downshire, Marquess of, free, 1098. Douglas, grant for a church at, 992. Dragon to be erected on the cupola of the . EXchange, 53i. · Drawbridge from Cockpit to N.E. Marsh, 306. • . Drink and bread for the main guard, 500. Drumcummer, lands of, 253, 254, 278; 354, 385, 389, 392, 401, 403, 627; coal pits on the lands of, 662, 776, 840, 858. DUncan, Lo.-Vise., free, 1121. Dungarvan, Lo.-Visc., free, 139. Dunmore, Earl of, free, 7tn. Dunscombe's Marsh), drawbridge from, to the island in the ~outh Channel, 675.
Elm trees near Mayoralty house removed,~ 886. . Entertainments, to Lo. Pres. and J.Jo. Chanr., 58 ; to Lo. Abercorne, 62 ; Lords J ustlces, 267 ; Admiral Hopton 1 286; Maj.-Gen. Earle, ib. ; Duke ot Ormond, 299 · Admiral Dilks, 300 ; Gen. Earle, 307 ; Lieut.-Gen. Langton, 320 ; Opening of the New Exchange, 340 ; Duke of Ormond's arrival, 348 ; King's Coronation, 393, 414, 420, 434, 445, 457 ; a cold treat, with wine and music, to celebrate H. M. birthday, 398, 412, 429! 4~6, 470, 47._; 473 ; Que~n's, 481 ; Kmg s, 495 ; H. M. AccessiOn, 400, 418, 431, 442, 472, 485 i proc. war against Spain, 404; Lora Shannon, 418; Gen. McCartney, 463; mar. of P. of Orange, 530 ; Hon. Hen. Boyle, 536, 566, 661 · mar. of P. of Wales, 565; Marq. of ii:artington, 686 ; Proc. of War against the French, 691 ; Admiral of the Fleet, 699; P. of Wales of age, 720; Victory over the French, 725 ; Adm. Hawke over do., 730; Hon.J.Ponsonby 1 Speaker H. C., 738 ; H. M. mar. ana. cor., 749; taking of Bellisle and Q. Charlotte's arrival, 750; Lo.-Lieut. 894, 1 002 ; Lo.-Ohanc. 1081. · Eschetor of the City, 31, 61, 161. Ewer, Mayors Serjt., pensioned, 884. Exchange, building. new, 316, 323, 324, 329, 332, 335l 337 ; the old E. to be made up mto small shops, 340.; the upper room to be the Council Chamber 1 ib. ; opening of new, ib. ; Porter or, 340 ; Clock on 344 352 ; shops under old E. to be leas;i 359 ; new, 371; holdings on, 391; orders to be posted on, 397, 398 ; no standings to be around, 406 ; bell mended, 423 ; putting up the bell, 428 ; mending do., 430; clothes for keeper, 445i surveyed, 471 ; fifty water buckets to ne hung up in, 4 79 1 . cap and gown for Porter, 496; ren. of ease from Roche, 499 ; bell to be recast, 566 ; a new lease from Edmd. Roche, 58b; slip covered and converted into a shop, 734 ; title of part of, 863. Exportation of corn, dearness in conse- quence, 789. Faggan, Nich., Inventory of the goods of, 1151.
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