Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Channel, cleansing of, 305; Act to deepen, 306 ; middle C., stop to buildings on either side of, 312; from Bridewell to • Tuckey's houses to be arched over, 370. Chaplain, Corporation, 465, 488. Charlemont, Earl of, free, 976. Chains, gold, for the Sheriffs, 690. Charters, City, 1, 51 ; produced at Ban- don, 63; three delivered in Court, 18; little C. of Edw. 4 to be brought to · England, ib.; Edw. 4, Hen. 8, Eliz. and King James delivered in Court, 80 ; C. of James sent to Dublin, 83 ; to be copied, 3~7 ; paid for, 380 ; Char. 1 in- spected, 517; delivered to TownClerk, 526 ; to be cop. and trans., 716 ; laid before the Recorder, 861. Charter to iucorp. the guild of wholesale and retail merrchants, 217 ; complaint of, 235, 237 ; bye-law to. seize goods, 240. Charter School at Lough, 793. . Chesterfield, Earl of, free, 636. Chest, the common, to be broken open-, 15. Christ Church, bells for,. 70; work near. the porch to be pulled down, 81 ; sex- ton to ring the 8 and 4o'clock bell, 252; clock on steeple to be repaired, 296, 323, 344; £200 towards steeple and bells of, 400, 429, 453, 455, 458, 469, 471, 528 j organ for, 729, 732; deputation to Mal- low, to Lo.-Pres., against the augmen- tation of the parsons of Christ Church and S. Peters, 173. Churches, City, in mourning, 66~ .. City chest to be fitted with locks, &c., 298 ; to be sent to Mayor's house, 303, 309; iron chest, 327, 332. City Court House, building of, 232, 234. City, grievances, 209; Major, 212; streets to be put in repair, 366; agent, 443, 450 ; left without forces, 934. Clanwilliam, Earl of, free, 1023.. Claret, bottled for occasions of rejoicing, 368. Clergyman to visit City gaol, 415. Clerk of the Crown, 69, 169, 195, 233, 242, 370, 372; not to have a deputy, 497 ; in consideration of his office in Exchange, to provide books, pens, ink, and paper, 497 ; of the market, 132, ·138 ; twelve statute pecks to be pro- vided for, 350. ·clock, public, 314, 322, 408 416; in Council chamber, 409 ; for the Maiket house, Blackpool, 959. · Clothiers, application for a Charter, 284 ;

a new Charter, 357; bye-laws, 358, 43f>,. 708. Cloyne, Bishop of, free, 512. Coal Yard, license to keep, 824, 855 ; · price for landing, 868 ; regulations for· the carriage of, 89.2 ; do. for measurers. ~£, 950 ; apprehended high price of,. 956 ; measurers to have badges, 1134 ;. :public yards, 113.7 ; coal duty on,. 456. Collar, gold, of S. S. for the Mayor, 690. Coen J eudah,. Embassador of Algiers to. the States Gen., free, 348.. Collector of the port, 389~ Colledge, part of, mortgaged, 75. Collumbine, Col., quarters of, 344. Conway, Daniel, Inventory of the goods. of, 1150. Companies, City, to entertain but once a. a year, 127, 138. Common Speaker :refuses the oath of se- ~recy, 577.. Copinger, Sir John, sworn Justice of the Peace, 190. . Coo~rs to have a charter, 2S9 ; petition. of, 319. Cork harbour open to an enemy, 633 ~ .. Castle ground to be let, 398·; Earl of,. free, 114, 1055. Corn maJrket, 246, 532; lease of loft.s over, 361 ; act for weighing, 571 ; plan for a. new m., 591, 6>26; do .. for regulating the trade, 994; sold to the poor, 609; • petition to import, 6D8; change in the tolls,. 1061~ Coroner sworn, 15, 161~ Corporation, lands, &c., mertgaged, 93; necessities pressing, 133 ; poverty of, 171; petition. against keyage, &c., 211 ;_ purchase of T. Hodder's interest at South Bridge, 298; C. yard to be ap- plied for building a. church, 415, 424, 425, 459 ; debts, 493, 495. Connell, Richd., Clerk of the Crown, fr0e, paying 20s. ; to buy a new scabbard for the king's sword, 69. Coulters_prosec11ted, 527:. Council Book, the Reeorder to deliver. l'lp the old one, 6>15 ; two old ones and the charters lodged in Corporation Chest,. 616 ; U. men, nine a quorum, 210 ~ , names of, 211 ; thirteen do., 236 ~ r eleven do., 239; to meet every first Monday without summons, 307. Councillors'names according to new char- . ter, 170. Council, Common, names of, 238,277,355; eased of quartering soldiers,. 240, .25.6.

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