INDEX. /-~I ~~81 · i Court-house bell, 507,517; New B. for ~JtO;(/fiods~: ~;~,V71,77~·~- N:'bridi__e -' .·" Exchange, 047; for City Court, 649, out of repair, 828; another over N. 731. channel necessary, 889 ; dissent to the Benevolence, or tax, 74, 77, 81, 86, 87, 91. building of, 890 ; act for, 997, 1004,. B~nnet, Bishop of Cork, free, 1052. 1018, 1020; portcullis, 1116. B~bles for charitable uses, 449. Bristol, priv-ilege of the freemen of, 308.. B1ll for better regulating the City and Brodrick).. Lord Chancellor, picture of, .County, 777. 373; ~:St. John B., Recorder, 331. B1shop of Cork, thanks for his charity, Browne, Sir Vale, free, 127 ; Renierze B., 485 ; free, 556. · pet. of, 553 ; Burgess B. pres. wi.th a Bla~kpool, market-place at, 681. piece of plate, 917. J I B1ackrock Castle, 42; mortgaged towards Brutenell, Col., quarters for, 322. erecting the roof of the South gaol, 49, Bryan, Lieut..<]ol Harry, free, 204. 358; Ald. Perdrian to take.possession of, Buckingham, Earl of, free, 917. 398 ; r.epaired, 423, 429, 436, 457, 882 ; Buildings, none to be made near the City, cupola leaded, 431, 436; entertainment 19. at, 454, 526, 533, 762, 810; Court of Bulks in the streets to be taken down, Conservation at, 541, 649, 653, 658; 372, 410, 459. Constable of, 673, 1039. Burgesses for England, 46; every Burgess Blaney, Lord, free, 821. to wear a black gown, 251. Blue Coat Hospital, seeS. Stephen's Hos- Butchers, petition of, 05; to choose their pital. stalls, 247 ; charter of, 253; not to Blundell, Sir Arthur, free, 204. stand in the streets, 278l. bye-laws of, Bohilly, J., a prisoner, petition of, 500.. 540 ; not to hold two staus, 1')82. Bowling Alley, 117. Butter casks, tax on, 325 ; making up de- Brandon Lord, free, 796. ceitfully, 401, 505; butter and tallow Bretridge's Alma Bouse, 255, 395; lands, Acts, 505, 754; prohibition of exJ?or- . 449. tation a great prejudice to the king- Brewers, Charter of, 617, 623, 624. dom, 606. Bridewell, the Bishop to have the old Bye-laws relating to strangers, 0. timher for the Free School at S. Fin Barras, 254; market to be built on, Cabin, license to build at North Abbey, 382 383 ; ground to be surveyed, 431 ; 120. set by fee farm lease, 439, 441, 442, 443; Camden~ Earll Lo.-Lieut., free, 1104. money taken up for, 600, 501, 503, 702. Camp, Uit)j c.narge. for, 217. Bridges, ready to fall, 73 ; the Mayor be- Campbell, Lord, free, 822. stows two hogsheads of wine towards Cap of maintenance, 231 ; a new one to building North Bridge, 95; swept away be bought, 304; paid for, 396,686. by floods, 148; building not to be de- CarpAnters, company·of, 361. layed, 174 ; removal of, 176 ; dangerous Carrick, Earl of, free, 795. lo build with stone, 192 ; to be built Carrigrohan, fairs at, 617. with sound timber, 196 ; a bridge over Cartaret, Lo.-Lieut., free, 477. the river to the fish shamblea, 237 ; Castles, North and South, building of, county bridge, 245; repair of North 197. Bridge, 266; a bndg6, between the C. Street, houses to be purchased, 1007; City quay and Tuckey's quay, 312 ; to be uniform .1068. battlements of North bridge viewed, Castlesteward, ~·:Baron, free•. 204. 339; timber for, 346; a new stone one Cathedral, rebuilding, 647; BlBhops let-- to be built, 346 · .£100 towards build- ters relating to, 648; a seat in, 578. in~, 353; ineroachments on, 354; South Carlisle, _Earl of, Lo.-Lieut., free, 961. bn<!Re dangerous, 364; overseers of,364; Cattle Market too small, 684; exporta- two lamps on N. briage, 373; leave to tion of live C. injurious to trade, 727. baild a house on, 419; S. bridge en- Cavan, Earl of, free, 349. daogered, 632 ; bridge between Princes Chamberlain, election of, 8; of the new street and Lavit's island, 728 ; do. from customs, 1.2 ; to enter a oond to pay -PelliC&D'B comer to Sullivan's Quay, his account, 291. 737 ;_ do •. &er088 the river below the Cbancell.or, Lord, free, 100<?; r~ ( .. f I~'\. 1 /A r / .-- (X Q, ~fl. '-· " \. cJ V t.1 U IJ 1
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