Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals




Apprentices~ rules respecting, 260, 266. Armed Societies, thanks of the Mayor, &c., to, 941. Aston, H. Hervy, High Sher. of Chester, free, 833. Attorney, City, sworn, 81. Bachelors' quay, enlargement of, 818. Bakers, pet. of, 236; charter for, 238; complaint against, 243, 246, 251 i no foreign B. to sell but on market days, 326 ; to make bread according to the act, 386 ; allowance in the quartern, 1072; to bake according to orders of Lo.-Lieut., 1139. Ballad to be suppressed, lS20. Ballast, liberty to remove, 371, 373 ; Act, 490, 493, 499, 505, 506 ; to be repealed, ~42. Ballynemought, lands of, 382, 383. Bannister, Capt. Perragryne, free, 206. Barber Chirurgeons, ancient rights, 512. Barracks to be built; 269, 271, 272, 280, 303, 307; without north. gate, 38i; proposals to build, 427, 432, 460, 461, 463, 508, 517, 519, 801, 826. Barret, Sir Andrew, free, 197. Barry Gerrott fz. David, of Kyldeanyne, free, 82 ; Lord B. encroaches on the river, 135; Col. James, free, 264; Earl of Barrymore, free, 282, 433, 830. Beast Market, encroachment on, 352, 363. Beauchamp, Lord, free, 796. · Beams, scales, &c., to be set up in the shambles, 582. · Bed, state, for Lp.-Lieut., 1062. Beer, &c., for the army, 208. Beggars, easing the City of, 415, 755. Bellfounders, 71; Exchange bell to toll at 11 A.:M. for half an hour daily, 340;

Abbies not exempted from taxation, 137. Abduction in Mallow Lane, 841. Abercrombie, Sir Ralph, free, 1121. Act to improve the river, 301, 303 ; for widening streets, &c., 988. Address to H. Maj., 209, 2U ; success over the French in Flanders, 318 ; on the Nuptials of the Prince of Wales, 556, 1107 ; on his escape, lOll, 1140 ; to Lo.-Lieut., 1026, 1077, 1099, 1141. Admiralty, Judge of, infringes the privi- leges of the Corporation, 2:31, 232; Court, 274, 305, 324; Court at Black- rock, 492, 504, 5ll. Advantage, H. M. ship, provisions for, 13. Affray between soldiers and townsmen,· 686. Agent for England, 77, 78, 82, 147, 155; in Dublin, 12, 14, 16, 25; 26, 82, 86, 100, 103, 136, 153, 162, 26:3. Aldermen, allowance of figs, &c., 125; of the ward, 249; to wear scarlet gowns, 251; chosP-n, 295 ; after serving as Mayor to be a Justice of the Peace, 534 ; charter for, 555 ; dispute between, and Sheriffs for precedency, 587, 589. Aldie, Capt., insults the Corporation, 321; his submission, 322. Ale supplied the Army, 433, 466, 473,523, 556, 603, 6ll, 646, 666, 674, 770, 832. Alms House, 212, 219, 223, 224, 225, 228, 235,242,259; building in Old Shandon church-yard, 404. American Rebellion, address on, 906. Apples or pears coming to the quay, no Alderman to have a ticket for, 152. Applotters of public money, 730; a bill for, 753 ; to applot the lamp money, 406, 819.

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