APPENDIX D. 1179 Smyth, Lt. Jo~n Selby, Ens. Cutt. :Maguire, Capt. Ulick fz. Morris, Capt. Edward Allen, Capt. N1cholas Bramley, Capt. Hichard Travers, Capt. William Arnold, Capt. John Piggett. Capt. John S' Leger.-He hata at present a foot company by his Matia. A List of such· O~rs as· betraied and complied in betraying the townes of Munsten,. and are now ~n eommand :- . Captaines Collonel William Warden, Sir Frauncis. Foulkes, Sir Nicholas Purdon,. Collonel Charles Blunt, Sir StJohn Broadricke, Henry Smythwicke Richard Dash,. wood, Robert Manwayring, George Preater. ' A List of suclr, Of!icers in the county t~f Cm;k who for their manifest affections to hia Matiu service have suffered imprisonment and other penaltyes under the late tit·an- nicall power exercised over them :•- John Sentleger; Esq., Lt.-Coll. Hayward S' Leger, Lt.-Coll. John Jephson, I4t .. Coil Ric. Aldworth~ Lt.-Coll. Fortescue, Lt.-Coll. Al~xand. Pygott, Lt.-Coll. :Beverley Usher, Lt.-C.:>ll. Anthony H•Jveden, Major Riclw.-d Magwyer, Capt. Bell; Peer, Capt. Richd. Gethin. Primipal Actors in tlu Re'Mlte of Cm·ke :1"- Coll Riehard Townsend, Coli. WilLiam Wal'doo, Coil. Thos. Gifford, Coil. With Piggott, Coil~- Ryves, Capt. Jo. Broadrick, Coil. J. Hodder. The 4: Spyut sent ov8r by Cromwell to send him Intelligence:- Capt. Robert Gookin, Coli. Richard Townsend, Lt.-Coll. Wilt Piggott, Capt.. S' John Broadrick-28 May, 1664:. . l These four spies, though said to have been sent over by Cromwell, seem to have been alf Irishmen except the last. Sir Vincent Gookin resided in the west of the county o£ Cork iD 1G31, and ia mentioned in Smith's History of that county, vol. i. p. 279. He married a daughter of Sir Thomas'Crooke, Bart., and was probably father of Captain Robert Gookin, waD, at hi• death between 1662 and 1666,. was of Courtmacsherr,, and who bequeathed to. :t.ia wife Dorothy his manor of Castlem.ahoon for life, and in his will mentiona hiJI friend Colonel Richard Townsend. This Colonel Townsend, another of the spies, had brothers in the county of Col-k, and there was a numerous family of this name there before the rebellion. - ef 1641; we therefore infer that he waa an Iriahman. .A8 to the other spy, ~ott, he wu· probably of the baronet'• family of that name who had long before been settled"""m lrelaod.. • Carte MSS., vol. lix. p~ 361~ Been. t Ibid., p. 362.
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