Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

.A P P E N D I X.-D.


These seem to have been compiled for the use of the Duke of Ormond.

.11 List of such Officers whrJ are n·ow in Moun:~ter and served his Matie before 1649, and h'lue not since received any reward under the Usurper, but (for t~ greatest part of them) have been extreme s'lf,jJerers {Jince your Excellincy left Ireland.'* Collo. Randolph Clayton. -·· He served his Mat 18 constantly in England and Ireland, was taken prisoner neere Lymerick, and hath now a foot .company. Lt.-Coll. Richard Aldworth. -He served his Matie constantly, was taken prisoner at --, and delayed long in the ·Marshalsay at Dublin, and hath ne service since that time; he is a person of reasonable .good fortune in Mounster. Major Richard Maguire.-He constantly served his Mat 1 efrom the·beginning of the wars, first in Ireland then in England, and never received any -employment under the Usurper of what nature soever ; since his Matie• restoration he hath gayned to be a Lieut. of a foot company. He lived in the county of Lymerick, and would (if occasion were) prove very serviceable to his Matte in those parts. Lieut.-Coll. William Meede.-He served his Mattein England and Ireland, and is at present Escheator of the -county of Cork. Capt. Phillip Parker. - He served his Matte faithfully in Ireland, and received no com:rnand under the Usurper; he is at present only a Titular.y Captaine of the Train band of Cork, and is well capacitated to serve his Matie in those parts. Capt. Henry Wheatcroft.-He served his Mat 1 e in the turne of affairs in Munster when your Excellency came to Cork in 1648, and who I am confident will upon all occasions prove faithful to his Maties service. . Coli. John J ephson.-He hath at present a foote company under his Majesty. ~oll. Howard St Leger, Lt.-Coll. Alexander Piggott, Lt.-Coll. .Anthony Hoveden, · MaJor John Grove, Capt..Thomas Causabon, Capt. Richard Smyth, Lt•:--Coll.Arthure Freake, Capt.. Boyle Mayneherd, Capt. Richard Gething, Lt. Richard Beare, Lt. Tho~as Mag~ue, Capt. Bepjamin Pierce, Lt.-Coll. Richd Williamson, Major John Pers1"!all, MaJor James Pierie, Capt. John Purdon, Lt. William Bradford, Capt. Maunce Downe, Capt.. J obn Steeres, Ma~"-J ohn Lowe, at present under Gn. William P~n, at the fort~ of Kingsall, a very honest man; Capt. Edward Snell, Cornet George Ailmer, Capt. George Burgess, Cornet Paul Tanner, Capt. John Meade, (;apt. Jobn * Carte MSS., vol. lix. p. 35 a, Bibl. Bodl.

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