Bay lift's. John Morrough and Phillip Terry. Geo. Gallaway and John Goold. Wm. Goold and Pat. Gallaway. Thos. White and Nick Skiddy. Thos. White and Nick Skiddy. Wm. Gallaway and John Goold. Mehell Barret and John Terry. Thos. Meagh and Pat. Skiddy. Thos. Meagh and Pat. Skiddy. Wm. Goold and John Goold. Richd. Skiddy and Thos. Barrett. Pat. Gallaway and Petter Griles. ..• Pat. Gallaway and John Goold. . . . J Q};w..Skiddy!JJ,nd W m. Roch. ... --win. Rocl:l'aiidAndrew Morrough. ... John Gallaway and Wm. Skiddy. ... Wm. Skiddy and Wm. Sugane. John Weight and Thos. Mitchell. David Gidis and Peter Griles. David Terry and John Meagh. David Terry and John Meagh. Richd. Gallaway and Thos. Barrett. Wm. Rady and Richd. Gallaway. · John Terry and Andrew Barrett. Thos. Crook and Maur. Shiny. Robt. Ohanly and Shep. Brook. Thos. Morrough and John Goold. John.Skiddy and John MCCa. W m. Skiddy and Richd. Gallaway. .Wm. Skiddy and Richd. Gallaway. John M°Ca and Wm. Morrough. . ·~ J'ames Lavallen and Joseph.Terry. ... John Crook and Andrew Roch. George White and Godfl:ey Noile. Richd. Skiddy and John Roch. . '\ ~ m. Gallaway and Richd. Skiddy. .""'{ !"ichd. Lavallen and Saml. Terry. ... John Gallaway and John Goold. James Meagh and Jon. Morrough. Edmd. Gallaway and James Lavallen. Dom. Sasfield and David Martell. David Mortell and John Coppenger. John Skiddy and MeheU·Gaiiaway. ... Petter Terry and Christ. Meagh. .. ¥ Richd. Lavallen and John Goo) d. ·~ Richd. Lavalle:q and John Skiddy.. ... Geo. Roch and Thos. Ronane. Wm. Sasfield and John Skiddy.
1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450
Wm. Anasey John Menia Geof. White
John Morrough Geodf. Gallaway John Morrough John Skiddy John Skiddy John Meagh John Morrough Wm. Goold Wm. Goold John Morrough ·John Goold Richd. Skiddy John Goold Pat~ Gallaway John Gallaway Richard Skiddy John Goold Richd. Skiddy Wm. Gallaway Wm. Skiddy Richd. Lavallen Wm. Gallaway Richd. Skiddy Wm. Skiddy Pat. Gallaway Thos. Morrough Richd. Skiddv . John Gallaway William Goold John Goold John Skiddy Richd. Skiddy
1451 1452 1453 1454 Y..,1455
1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472
John Meagh Godfry N oile John Mc:Ca Richd. Skiddy . John Gallaway Wm. Gallaw~y
1473 Thos. Morrough 1474 Wm. Skiddy 1475 RicJld. Lavallen 1476 John Gallaway 1477 Wm. Gallaway .1478 Richd. Skiddy 1479 Wm. Skiddy
~· .
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• Built Skiddy'• Cutle.
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