Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



;<' 1199 1236 1249 1251

'to a ~--,

Walter Russell } p. R1ehd•. Delega .. .

ropos1 r- V

John Dispense

Walter Eyno:ff. .Elias Stakepole. John Wenchedon. Walter Right. Nick. Morren. Richd. Wine• Richd. Lee. Walter Tardiff. John Lavallin John Walters. William Blond. Nick.Dela~ Wm. Hf<fev1vre. MAYORS. Adam Milksburry Step. Coppenger Richd. Deleyt Ebra. Destakepoole Walter Reith Gilbert Monks John Ledespasser Nick. Morraine Edmd. Detalou:r Rogar Tryall Rogar Lebolout William Albus Nick. Morraine Ricbd. Postwinid


1281 Walter Rute:. 1285 Petter Russell. 1287 Will. Pallard. 1290 Walter Tardiff. 1291 Walter Ot-Heyne~

1252 1272 . 1273

1274 1279 ~ 1293 1310 1311 ....__. 1312 1313

W m. D 'egaTner . } Ba li:ffs... Robt. De Tavermer Y 1314 Walter Dekerdife~

1315 Nick. O'Heyne. 1316 John Deligre. 1317 Nick. Delaweily ~


BAYLIFFS~. Gilbert Mo11k and Nick Morrailre-... Robt. Tryall and Edmd. Datalour.. Steph. Brandon and Rogr. Triall. Thos. LetanouT and Gilbe:r;t Soukea.. Adam N eth and Roger Sr.acell. Richd. Lelegh and W alte:r Russell. Richd. Delaga and Walter Reth. Nick. Delyegh and Adam Neth. Walter :fitz Paris and Walter Russell~ Ricbd. Destorda.n and 'l'ho. Letanour.. Elia Sage and Robart Pultmake. Tho. Dewydy and Robt. Letanour..· Walter Russell and (Propositus). Peter Rashell and Jon.. Despencer~ Walter Pallart and Peter Rashell. Andl:ew Debardely and Robt. Letanour•

1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333

Richd. Lelegh Richd. Lelegh

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