of Aug., 1649, presently after the landing of V 1 • Lieut. Cromwell, knew divers prisoners of his old acquaintance who were in the Lord Inchiquin's army, and taken at the route before -Dublin, which he knew to be honest hearted towards the English interest; and some of these stayed, by his advice, in Inchiquin's army on purpose to serve said interest ; and therefore this exam' made it his request to Ld.-Lieut. Cromwell and Lord Ireton, that such of said prisoners as he should choose might have paroles to come down into Munster to procure taeir ransom ·and exchange, which was only a disguise for their employment thither in co. Cork, and had instructions to several well-effected persons to inform them of" the Ld.- Lieut'• design to redeem the English inhab. of said county, and parts adjacent, from the }>ondage that Inchiquin had brought them under-said persons to retum within a month to give an account of their proceedings; which service all the undermentioned persons did perform except Capt. Eames, who was betrayed and imprisoned, and was like to be hanged ; the names of the persons employed were -Capt. John Eames, Lieut. Robt. Foulke, Capt. Rob'. Townesend, and others dep' doth not remember, only Li~ut. Thos. Gilbert ; the last mentioned was to r&- pair to Castlemawne, co. KeiTy, and acquaint Cornet John J oanes, then Govr, to prepare the place with provisions, and hold. said Castle untill Ld.-Lieut. Cromwell would send forces thither, but the return said Gilbert gave, was, that said Cornet was put out of the Castle by Lord Inchiquin, at which the Cornet was much troubled. married, secondly, Elizabeth, daughter ~f Sir Thomas Herbert, by Lucy, daughte.r of Sir William Alexander, ob. 1698, and had lSSuer-1. THOMAS of Mountpleasant, ob. car. 1716, who married Alicia, daughter of Barth. Purdon of Ballyclogh, sen.; 2. Alexander Herbert, ob. 1752; 3. John; 4. Frances; 5. Lucy, married Willi~ Flowe~, and had issu.e three sons, Robert, John, Phaire, and two daug~ters, Deborah and Elizabeth ; 6. ~beth, married Barth. Purdon, jun. '!ROMAS h~ 1ssue-Ro~rt, ~omas, H~rbert, Onea~phol'U8, Francis, and two daughters, A11cia, and Elizabeth, marned Richard Chinnery.
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