Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Feb. 23, 1654.-Lieut. Sam 1 • Pomery,*' aged 32, now rest at Ballivarry, co. Limerick.-March 19. John Hodder of C., aged 63.-(Eod. die.) Ambrose Gar- nell, aged 62.-(Eod. die.) Ralph Lynan, aged 31~ lodged in Fletcher's house; heard knocking at the door; F. went forth, and shortly returned home, where the store of ammunition was; said to examt that it must be ·speedily delivered to the guard, took the keys of the store, and with examt delivered a barrel of powder to an officer that came with a guard for it.-1\Iarch 19. Francis Clements, yeoman, aged 52.-Thos. Prunett of C., felt-maker, aged 35.-Thos. Benger, commissary of the ·stores at C., aged 28, remembereth that one Robert Lake, then of Toure Bridge, near C., did give assistance.-Francis Briggs of C., aged 40.-March 20. Elkannah Knight, chirurgeon, aged 67, a prisoner in C., Oct., 1649. did observe wm. Foot as Marshall receive into his custody (1 or 2 at night) divers Irish per- sons ; they were so many he had no room for them ; heard the Coli. tell him they would make room for him, and gave him a commission to be Provost MarshaL- Will. Nepwright, glover, aged 30.-John Downing, brewer, aged 30, a soldier in C. : Andrew Roch, then drummer, and examt quartered together in one .house; on the firing of the guns in the fort said R. and examt repaired to the main guard, R. with his drum-sticks in his hand, and about two hours before day did beat a· proclamation, &c.-Edwd. Goble of C., brazier, aged 32.-Wm. Wilson of C., gun- smith, aged 31.-Benj. Jenkins of Corke forte, aged 34.-Geo. Allen of C., aged 35, innkeeper, servant to Coil. Chas. Blount.-Roger King of C., malster, aged 46, said that wm. Barnes, carpenter, died at C., latter end of 1650, of the pestilence. Edwd. Cam, water bailiff of C., aged 54.--Christopher Holcombe of C., malster, aged 54, on that night did see Benj. Jenkins, gunner, with a party of Musqueteers having lighted matches, sending the Irish soldiers without the turnpikes; is now a gunner in Corke fort.-Tamsin Champion, wife of wm. C., feltmaker. ' . March 22, 1654.-John Wren of C., innkeeper, aged ~0.-John Hollis of C., shopkeeper, aged 40.-John Mortimer, chandler, aged 50.-John, weaver, agl3d 80.-John Garner; do., aged 35.-John Lego, clothier, aged 28, did see Thos. J olli.ff taking one Mr. Coppinger, an Irishman, prisoner to the main guard.- Theodore Hulett, baker, aged 32, being tloorkeeper to Coli. Gyfford, Coli. Towne- send, Coli. Blount, and Coli. Reeves, sitting as a Committee of Safety at C., did se~ Thos. Harrison, then clerk, waiting orders and assisting them. .. March 24, 1654.-Coll. Robt. Phair,+ now Gov' of C., aged 35, about latter end * Samuel Pomroy passed patent (14 Nov. 18 Car. II.) for lands in Palice and Gurtneclong, bar. Duhallow, co. Cork. • t Colonel Robert Phaire, Governor of Cork, ob. 1682. He was twice married: by his first wife, whose name is unascertained, he had-1. ONESIPHORUS of Grange, ob. 1702, who married Elizabeth, daughter of --; 2. Elizabeth, married (1675) .Richard Farmer; and 3. Mary, married George Gamble, and had issue two sons, John and Onesiphorus of Mary- berough. 0NESIPHORUS had issue-1. RoBERT of Grange, ob. 1712, married Anne, daughter of Gamble ; 2. Aldworth of Enniscorthy, ob. 1762; 3. Elizabeth, who married Edward Rogers of Temple-Shannon, by whom she had issue a son, Edward, and Elizabeth, who married Rickard Donovan of Ballymore. RoBERT had issue--1. RoBERT of Grange, ob. 1742; 2. One~phoru~ of Templeshannon, ob. 1757, who married Frances, daughter of the Rev. Dr. John ~atnckson; 3. Elizabe~h. ONESIPHORUS had issue-!. RoBERT of Killoughram, who marned (July, 1761) Lady R1charda Annesley, daughter of Arthur first Earl of Mount- morris; 2. Aldworth of Garr; 3. Polly Anne, married (1758) Henry Nixon of Newton; "- Elizabeth, married Robert Hill. RoBERT had issue RoBERT, born 1764, and married Amelia Holmes Pomeroy, from whom the Phaires of Killoughram are descended.-Colonel Phaire

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