named came out of same house about 11 at night and received musquets from Capt. Burrell, then on main guard. (Eod. die.)-Will. Hunt of C., weaver, aged 64, at the declaring of C., a soldier in Lord Inchiquin's own Comp. of foot, then in C., doth know Thos. Whitley, John Barrett, Will. Sexten, Jun., Edwa. Gibbonds, Dan 1 • Bearne, and Walter Cook, inhab. of C.; did see them diligent in taking up fuzees; said B. was em- ployed with others to secure the Govr, Sir Robt. Sterling. (Eod. die.)-Juhn Barrett of C., taylor, aged 37, did observe Thos. Whitley and Will. Hunt, inhab. of C., with musquets in -their hands, sentinels about 11 o'cl. at main guard. (Eod. die.)-Will. Polly of C., aged 42, knew Humphrey Manhinicke, John Wood, and Will. Coe, were employed same night with musquets in their hands, before and after the guns were shot off. •(Eod. die.)-John Woodland of C., weaver, aged 43, saw said parties with musquets under the dil'ection of Capt. Rich 4 • Burrell. (Eod. die.)-Will. Sexton, mason, aged 53, now resident in C., saw Thos. Hooper, Edwa. Gardiner, wm. Randall, and wm. Sexton, Jun., about 11 o'cl., making barrikadoes at the main guard with butchers' blocks and other materials for better securing same, in case any rising should be in the toune ; afterwards examt and W. Randall were appointed sentinels on magazine. (Eod. die.)-Will. Norris of C., gent., aged 40, saw Lieut. John Tench and Thos. J olli:ff with arms, taking up fusees and suspected Irishmen. (Eod. die.)-Robt. Watters of C., innkeeper, aged 37, about 11 o'cl. at night saw John Damen, Edwa. Walsh, Phil. Button, John Garth, John Hawkins, and Thos. Bell with arms; Walsh went with examt and others to Shandon Castle, and Button. with a party coma by Cap. R. Myhill, to reduce the forte, &c. (Eod. die.)-.Will. Strangwaies, gent., aged 64, inhab. of C., did see Henry Floyd, Thos. Price, Hugh Stainer, Henry Burridge, John Clarke, and Richa. Bowles, inha.b. of C., turning out the Irish, some having swords in their hands, others by their sides, about 12 o'cl. in the night. • (Eod. die.)-Rich 4 • Bowles of 0., maulster, aged 40.-John Hawkins, do., sadler, aged 40.-John Gurtree, do., taylor, aged 30.-Thos. Hawkins,.do., glover, aged 55. (Their evidences contain nothing of importance.) March 6, 1654.-John Hawkins further exam 4 • Knew HenryMorgan, apothe- cary; being constable of the city of C., commanded by Capt. Rich•. Burnett to call up the English inhab•; called Morgan, who came with a pistol in his hand, and having a signal, a white cloak about his arm. March 7, 1654.-Robt. Stringer of C., joiner, aged 44. March 6., 1~54.-John Webb, aged 55, knoweth Thos. Hawkins did call up me.ny Eng~ISh mhab•, wishing them to tye a white cloak about; their arms, being the then s1gnall of the declarers.-(Eod. die.) Rich•. Foster, currier, aged 39. March 2, 1654.-Walter Silvester, aged 50.-John Cross, hatmaker, aged 51.- Henry Floyd, aged 32.-Henry Burrage, baker, aged 50.-Thomas Benger, aged 28, lived at C. some years before the rendition, about five days before was made
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