Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Feb. 22, 1654.-Licut. George Myhill exama, aged ~6, now resident at Ba11i- macounrick, bar. of Imokilly, co. Cork. Was at C. with his compY when the town declared; knew of the design 8 days before; his soldiers were very active in securing the town for the market and turning the Irish out.- Feb. 22, 1654.- Joseph Hakin, of C., glover, aged 27, exam' on behalf of Richard Hakin, Corp!. under Lieut. G. Myhill. At rendition of C., being in bedd with said Richd. his brother in their father's house, heard two or three guns goe off, thereupon his brother rose up, saying, now they are declaring for the Parlt, come bring your arms and come with me. Arriving at the main guard met Coli. Reeves, who appointed Richa. to get the troops together; saw him turning some Irishmen out of the town. Feb. 22,1654.-John Downeing, of C., brewer, aged 30, exam 4 on behalf of Serjt. Will. Garrald, Corpl. R. Hakin, Hoger Price, Darby Callahane, Thos. Reede, Tho. Williams, Simon Pittman, Alex. Thomas, Menerill Lucas, under comd of Lieut. G. Myhill, in Oct., 1649, himself a soldier under M. Did observe said pel'sons --, very active in turning the Irish out of Corke, and performing duty at guard. Feb. 22, 1654.-Capt. Rob'. Myhill, aged 31, exam 11 , a Capt. in Coli. Sterling's Regt. About 6 weeks before the declaring of C.~ considering with himself' the sad condition the English interest was then brought into, cast about in his own thoughts what was best for him and other Eng. Protestants to doe in order to freeing himself and them, so went into the shop of one Capt. Thos. Bowles, in the Citty of C., with whom he was intimate, and to whom he opened his mind, and told said B. that he thought it advisable to use some means for delivering himself and others from the bondage they were in (the Lord Inchiquin having joined with the Irish); and thus having .a great influence on him, put said B. to his oath for secrecy, then told him of his resolution to secure C. for the Commonwealth, and further told B. that he had about 8 good men of his own comp' which he was sure would stand by him. Said B. promised to influence the townspeople-also; and further said that when several officers had secured the main guard, the two portes of the Citty, and placed a guard upon the governor ColL Sterling, and Fran. Bowerman towne major, with others whom they durst not trust, this exam* with 14 private Souldiers about 12 o'cl. same -night went to surprise the forte, which he soon effected by going in at a porthole where a se.ntinel'was .wont to be sett, Serjeant Bqckland being promised 50 pounds to reniov~ said fientinel ; and. that he surprised in forte Lieut. Rossington and 34 soldiers, the Govr, Lieut.- .Coil. Ag. Muschainp, being that night at his flume, and said Govr had no know- ledge of the de~ign, nor durst we inform him, being looked on as a great enemy to English interest, &c. Feb. 23, 1654.-Coli. John Hodder, of C., aged 64, John Senhouse, of C., aged 43, and Lieut. Will. Allen, of C., aged 47, Cap. in Hodder's Comp. (Exam•. contain nothing of interest.) Ibid.-Mr. Jonas Morris,* of C., mercht, aged 56, examd. Did observe John * Jona:s Morris was ~ayor ~f Cork in 1659. Another Jonas Morris was M.P. for the City of Cork m 1731. Of this family was Abraham Morris, of Hanover Hall high sheriff co. Cork, 1760; and his nephew Abraham Morris, sheriff 1782, and M.P. ~r co. Cork, i791.

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