Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Peter Greneere, had several meetings to contrive the surrender of C., which by the blessing of God was effected with the assi8tance of Colis. Gifford, Townesend, and Warden, then imprisoned by Lord Inchiquin; and that one Ser~eant Hugh Buck- land, then in the forte of C., under command of Coli. Agmond1sham Muschamp, then Govr thereof, was of the council 4 days before, and did assist by removing a sentinel and giving an opportunity for the placing of a ladder and entrance by a port-hole, which was effected by the industry of Capt. Robt. Mihill with a small party of men (said Muschamp being absent), who took the Lieut., Ensign, and about 20 men that kept the same, and that Coli. Dowridge, Caps. Rogers, Dethick, George Bell, Lieut. Geo. Myhill, Mr. Thos. Benger, Gunner of Corke forte, Lieut. Phillip Mathews, Wm. Goddard, Francis Bettridge (in whose house the meeting3 were), and~ other inhabitants of C., did assist same night, and that one Capt. Godfrey Greene, inhabt of C., did appear by way of a~sistance, and about break of day next morning he obtained leave of this dept, who had the keys of the gates of C., to ride towards Tallow, as he told dept, to secure his mother, sister, and brother by bringing them to C., but it was credible reported that instead of going to Tallow he went directly to Youghal and gave notice to Lord Inchiquin of said declaring of C., yet he came back in 4 days and since served in Lord Broghill's troop.-PETER CARY. A list of Capt. Peter Cary's company that cheerfully joined him in the ren· dicion of Corke. Anthony Webb, Lt. wm. Mayne, Sergt. Geo. Bannister, Sergt. Dan. Macguire, Corp. }'ran. Dissert, Corp. Robt. Johnson, Edw. Philpott, Adrian Munday, wm. Netly, Henry West, John Bartholemew, Pet. Cary, John Clerke, Richd. Burrough, Walter Butts, wm. Tew, John Norris, Henry Keates, David Hughes, Hen. Puslake, Rob. Sampson, Henry Hill, Tho. Souther, John Frizell, John Smith, "rm. Holland, Dav. James, Rich. White, Roger Conly, John Story, John Grymes, Richd Fitches, Geo. Naseby, wm. Barnsdall, Nat. Nicholls, John Vaughan, John Wilson, Evan James, David Rice, Amb. Thomas, Daniell Kogh, Ralph Smea, Lewes Gethins, Henry Bearer, John Mony, John Hartly, Wm. John- son, Patt Barrett, John Gover, Lott Hayes, Rob. Vincent, Hen. Joanes. Peter Cary further examd touching Mr. Robt. Fletcher, commissary of Horse at Corke, and Fran. Boreman, Town Major, said, that Fletcher being sent for to deliver forth Ammunition, &c., in his custody in the night for the Parlt of England, did not appear, nor was spoken with untill he was sent for by a guard commanded by Ens. Ledridge of Cap. Burnell's Comp., who fetched him out of his house and brought him to the main guard, and being then required to deliver up the keys of the store of ammunition which he was unwilling to part with, saying he was instructed by Lord Inchiquin, and had a great charge under his hands, but when he saw he must of necessity deliver up the keys, he desired they would permit him to keep the keys and he would deli\Ter the ammunition, and thereupon con- tinued in that trust untill the Lord Broghill and Coli. Phair came to Cork with relief : and concerning said Eoreman (who was looked upon as an enemy to the rendicion) he for by a guard, who brought him out of bedd; he was discontented, and sa!d If he knew of the plott half an hour sooner he would have spoiled it, for which cause he was committed to prison, where he remained untill relieved on security.-Ca.p. Cary fu~her. examd in behalf of Major N. Poredon, said, said P. came from h1s farm, whiCh IS about a mile and half from Corke, and being in the Citty the day before the night of declaring, examt thought it necessary to sound

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