Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

APPENDIX A. 1153 hops, ten or tw£>lve tons of salt, a lab~ of hides, little more or less; six pounds silk; a piece of broadcloth in colours, containing 30 yards ; six dozen woollen cards : two barrels of orchale, half a gross of knives, with other small wares : as, bats, ·' caps, and other trifles among my shop. Two tuns of wine ; also 40 sheep and t weive kine. Inventory of the goods of 1\Iaurice Roche fz. Edmonda, of Corcke; Ald., 1582 : An old brewing pan and an old crock, a brass pan and a service, two broches, a pair of briggons, a pair of andyrons, a little fryingpan; eight candlesticks of brass, and six pewter platters; six chests, three silver cups that Mr. Archdeacon Roche left with my three sons ; a yallo~e cup also, and a saltcellar of silver, three pewter pots, and three quart pots of pewter. In77entory of the goods of Gennett Creaughe, of Corcke, widow, 1582: Five silver spoones, two strings of j-ewels or crosses, two bushels of oats, four candlesticks of b:rass, three pecks of wheat, a bushel of barley malt, a mortar of brass, two brazen basons, two black mantells, one stone of wool, two small pannes of new batry. lnventwy of the goods of Richard W alshe fz. John, of Corcke, merchant, 10 June, 1583: George Gold hath in pledge from me a great crock, of one hundred and halt weight, in pledge of lOs.; half-ace and a silver pair of beads, of nine score graven >< stones, in pledge of 20s. ; and another pair of beads of chrystal an.d silver, ill pledge. . of a noble halmce.

Invenlf»"!' of the Goods of Richard Tyrry fz. Adam, taken after his deat.h 12 dayS', viz., 26 .April, 1582 : In gold and silver, 28 pounds ster. ; five taffita hats, price 4-0s. ; three pair of Jarnesey stockings, 18s. Shop goods: Eight yards and a quarter of purple bwffen, 20s. ; 11 yards and a half of black bwffen, in two remnants, 40s. ; 6 yards. and half ash&-eoloured. bwffen, 16s.; 10 yards and half of tawny bwffen, 24s.; & piece of purple bwffen,. containing 13 yards and half, 4 nobles ;. 3 papers of buttons,. six dozen every pBper, 30s.; 2 yarda of flanyne kiersey, lOs.; a pound, a quarter,. ·and two ounces of small dozen laces, four nobles; a pound and quarter of Spanish silk, 40s. ; a whole piece of black fustian, 30s. ; nine yards of black fustian, 20s. ; 13 yards of yellow fustian, 26s.; 3 yards and half of black bays, 8s.; 13 yards and half of silk grogram, 3li. 8s. ; 6 yards and half of silk grogram, 32a. 6d. ; a piece of Turkey grogram, 15 yards and half, 3U. 16s.; two cape, 8s.; a box of combs, 16d.; 36 halfpenny combs, 18d.; 4 dozen points, 16d.;. 13 painted boxes ••• 25 quires of paper, vis. viiid.; 42 waste girdles, 8s. ; 12 penny girdles, 12d.;. 900 sheepfel, 6li. 14s. ; 280 calf fell, 20s. ; 3 decker deer hides, 3li. ; with a few conyfell and some lambfell, black and grey, vs. With David Carpdl, in Spain~ 9 hides ; in Edmonde Tyrrye's house, certain tallow in th:ree ba:rrt'rB, four marks. . • • fi# In pledge: three gold rings, a certain silver pawn, con~ining .· .. pieces, in pledge of 140 sheepfell; two gold rings of Edmonda Tyrry, in pledge of six stone& 145


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