APPENDIX A. ·. Thomas of Desmond, Knt., oweth me ~xviis. id. ; Maurice McAuly; ~ Coerkrie, a milch cow ; MeDonogho, three milch kine ; John fz. Thomas Mason, . · .xx barrels of lime; other debts I refer to my book. \ :' - I owe Donogh McDermod oge, a gossip of mine own, xiili. st. ~ ' ' Inventory of the goods of George Galwey fz. Edwarde, of Corcke, Ald., taken - 2 Oct., 1578. Three hundred Flanders and Roone batry, price xvli. ; a ton and half of iron, !Bli.; Three barrels of orchale, 12li.; nine deckers, great and small, cow-hides; 2lli.; five dozen woollen cards, 2li. ; Four deckers deer hides, 4li. ; Eight stones of hops, 3li. 4s. ; Ten stones of okom, 20s. ; 30li. ster. in gold; 1 Oli. ster. in money. Five score barrels of salt, 15li. ; Three buts of Spanish wine, 27li.; Forty kine, 14 marks; eighteen candlesticks, 40s. ; Two stones Aniseed, 40s. ; one dozen pewter trenchards, 6s. ; one dozen pewter dishes, 24s. ; four brass pans, 1 Oli. ; a pair of handirons, 1 Os. ; Three chests or coffers, 30s. ; A silver salt, double gilt, 7li. ; one silver cup, 3li. ; Two goblets of silver parcel, gilt, 6li.; A tastor of Silver, 20s. ; a dozen silver spoones, 3li. Inventory of the debts due to Richard fz. James Ronan, of Kinsale, 1579. . . -:·~ ..... John Roche owes me 35 cow-hides and twelve golden escus, in pledge of which I have a great and small silver cup, with its cover; Maurice Brenagh owes me , 25 cow-hides and 5 other hides, which he received from others in my name; the , / same Maurice owes m ve cow-hides, for which I have from him in pledge a X '- ~ilver cup. Dermitius 0 agerty owes me ten cow-hides, and Florence, als. X ~n McCormac, owes me 3 . d. Patrick Myaghe owes me 30 cow-hides and ', half a hide, in pledge for which I have from him a silver cup and a little silver / cup, gilt. Richard Myaghe owes me seven cow-hides, in pledge for which I have ., , one small silver cup. Enyes Ottaghe owes me ten cow-hides, in pledge for which _)~ I have a large old dish and an old pot. Donaldus ny Veilaghe bound himself to / me, for Philip fz. James Roche, for five cow hfues.-~_,_~ Inv~nt<rry of the Goods of Edmond fz. Nicholas, als. F~-~he, made by himself last of Feb., 1580. r~ \ j A pair of beads of silver, a silver cup, and a great cross of silver, in the custody " of Piers oge McMasbine; in the keeping of said Piers, 21 great silver buttons, ;1nd certain small silver buttons, and 10 shillings old half-face mon~y. In the custody of Patrick Bluett, of Youghal, a big brewing pan, and two _small pans ; certain spits or broches with their hooks or brigons, all of iron ; a gridiron or roasting iron, three dung forks ; said Patrick oweth me for a barrel of butter. I have with Edmo~d Barrett 25 milch kine, 8 plough garrans, a small pan, a :flagon, a brandiron, a plowmg iron, &c. I have 20 sheep with David fz. James, at Ballynacorry, two candlesticks of brass. The heirs of Burdenstown owe me two oxen. Dermod McDonell MeWilliam oweth me three in-calf kyne, to be paid at St. Patrick's · next to come, for which I delivered him a certain sum. Inventory of th~ goods of Andrew Galwey, of Oorcke, Ald., made 18 Nov., 1581. Six tons of iron, three hundred batrye, two hogsheads allyme, two hundred
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