Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



iiili. ; to John fz. Patrick Myaghe, ir barrels barley ; to the heir of William Ver- d~n, for the great croft, some rents, the third part to be paid to Katherine :ltfyaghe, w1dow; to John Myaghe fz. Robert, vii pecks barley for John Galway, concerning some hides of William Philipins; to James fz. William Cooke, xiiis. old money. Inventory of the goods of Nicholas Faggan, of Corcke~ Merchant, 26 March, 1578 : • \-· One brass pan, price 30s.; four small pans, 50s.; an old brewing pan, 30s.; a.n--&qa&ntm·pot, 30s. ; 12 platters of pewter, 8s.; four pewter pots and two quart pots, 5s. ; 9 pewter trenchers, 2s. ; 6 porringers of pewter, xiid. ; one feather bed and three Hock beds, 16s. ; three pair of sheets, f>s. ; four chests, 20s. ; one diaper table cloath and tWtrolft.·Irish-~13s. 4d.; a dozen table napkins, xvid.; two old hand towels, 4d., four caddowes, xs.; IS cowhides, 4li. ; 32 stones of tallow, 32s. ; one stone of aniseed, 'ls. ; 16 stones of French iron, 20s. ; two bolts of canvas, 20s. ; a dozen gold skins, 2s. ; two pipes of malt, xs. ; one barrel of whea.t, 4s.; a drower with her apparell, 40s.; a cupboard, 3s.; a deaea sknllsrl2s.; 2 carpets~ xs.; a black pwike gown faced with budg, 4li., which gown the widow gave with a pair of hose to the t~stator's brother, John Faggan, another. pwike gown, faced with damask, 2li. 13s. 4d.; another black gown, 30s.; a black satin doublet, 50s., given by the widow to John Goul fz. Edmond; a red taffita doublet, 30s.; a pair of hose, ISs., given by her also to Step4,eD-Misghe, brother-in-law· of the testator. Sir Donogh McCartie, Knt., oweth said Nicholas 21li.; The Lord Coursey oweth 6li.; McMorrish Kierry, baron of Licksnaw, 7li., &c. To Robert Hide, free warde to the Lord President, I owe 2li. lis. IOd., for which I became surety; to William Faggan, of Waterford, 3li. 4d. ; to Morrish Eustas, 9li. ; for impost, 3li. ; to William McPhilip, ISs.; to William Connyll, lOs. Sd.; to John K.ierrane, 13s. 4d.; to Christopher Miaghe, 7s.; to John Mylagh§':lyne, 8li. ; to James Matthowe, Sli.; to John Barry, 6s. Sd.; to .Anstas Helane, tt,. 4s.; £0 Ed- mond Morroghe. 26s. Sd.; to my brother, John Faggan, Sli. There remaineth a silver cup of the said John and another of my own in pledge from me, at Waterfoord, for 6li. l6s. : a pair"of-·"bee:tie-e£ .aiher,...._2f the goods of William Barret, remaineth from me in pledge of. 16s. ; a gold ring,pertaining to James Morrough, from me in pledge of 3ls. Where I was troubled by .Andrew Galway, for money by me received in France, I take it upon my death, as I look to be sayed, that I dealed justly and faithfully with the said .Andrew therein, and that my conscience doth n<>t, in any point, accuse me in that behalf. Inventory of the goods of William Skiddie, made 1 April, 1578: Four table cloaths, eight pair of sheets, two dozen and half of napkins, four pound of comin, one pound of green silk, one pound of yellow silk, half a pound of red silk, half a pound of black silk, three quarters of a pound of saffron, thirtie dishes, sixteen porringers, two great chargers, seven po~, two quarts, four ·drinJrins- &&~f tin, two dozen of trenchers, sixteen candlesticks, five brazen basons, v silver cups, a saltcellar with a dozen and half of spoons, four beds, three bolsters, six blankits, a pair of woollen cords, two carpets and a small carpet ; 400 cwt. iron, four spits, and o~e pair of brigons ; sixteen kine, small and great ; thirty sheep ; a brewing pan with jts brandiron, a gridle with a trevet thereunto ~ a dozen barrels of salt, a _pipe of ~ascon wine.





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