- Ordered, that the foregoing addresses be signed by the several members of the Council and be forwarded by the Mayor to.our Recorder, the Rt. Ron.. Lord Carleton, to be by him presented to. the Lord Lieutenant. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Sir S.. Rowland, Kellett, Thompson, Shaw, Bennett; Mr. Westropp, Leycester, and Harding; and C. S. 2 July,. ] 800~ Ordered, that £50 be paid to Hans Stewart, Esq·., on account of the bond due to him from the Corporation; It., 3 gll'ineas to David Hiffernan, ballance due for repairing the Bandle Cloth Market; It., £31 9s. 8d~ to Henry Sey- mour, Dep. W aterbailiff, one half the expenses·of repairing the Spits, the. other half to be paid by the Committee; Present-The Mayor, Sher. Pope ~ Alden. Swete, Sir S~ Rowland~ Thomp- son, Lucas, Bennett,_Mr. W estropp, and Lane,,C. S~ 13 Aug., 1800. . The Common Speaker sworn to-keep the secrets of the·Councit and Mrt. Day sworn a Council man. Ordered, that £194 5s. 3d. be paid the Mayorfor bounties paid py him on 1008 Tons of Potatoes, from 12 Feb. last to ~3 .Aug., inst. ; It., £82 8s. ld. to Messrs. Shaw and Evanson, for clothing for the Sargeants~ bailiffs, Exchange Porter, and Bellmen; It., £3 Os. 5d. to Wm. Ryan,.ma.son; work done by order of the Mayor and Sheriffs; It., 12 guineas to John :Fit:Z Gerald for calculating the price o.f wheat and grain to. fix the .. A~ssize of bread, and to return to the Government for ·six months ending 29 June last ; It., 2 guineas to John Fitz Gerald for copying different addresses, &c., for the Mayor and Corporation; It., that .an advertisement be published~ that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S. will receive preposals for repairing the breaches in the roof of the C'C>rn Market, and also Fepairing· Blackpool Guardhouse ; It., £7 ls. 4d. to John Hawkes, Chandler, for candles fo:r · illuminating the Mansion H~use last year;. It., £7 3s. 3d. to William Alex- ander, for the expenses of a guard at the Fair; It., £50 14s. 8d. to Nicholas George Seymour, pewterer, his account from 2 Jlily, 1796, to.4 N0v., 1799; It., £25 ls. 8d. to Jonathan Davis, smith, his account from 25 Sep., 179g, to 6 Aug. inst.; It., £69 to John Newman, cooper, for 20.new Coal Barrels at £3 each, and 10 quarter Coal Barrels at 18s. each;_ It.;. £7 15s. to Georg~
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