Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Thompson, Tho. Harding, Esq., and Mr. Sheriff Pope, and the same Com- mittee having retired, prepared the following address, which was approved of, Most Gracious Sovereign-" We, your Majestie's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of Corke in .Council assembled. Impressed with the deepest sense of honour, when we reflect that the Earth teemed with a monster capable of raising his Arm against the sacred person of a Sovereign, so justly beloved and revered, who reigns in the hearts of his people. " On so awful an occasion we feel truly anxious to unite with every other good subject throughout your Majestie's dominions, in expressing our most joyful congratulations on the happy and providential escape your Majesty has had from the murderous attempt of so execrable·an assassin. . " We offer up our most devout and unceasing thanksgiving to the Supreme dispenser of all earthly happiness, for his merciful interposition in preserving a life so valuable and on which the welfare of millions depends. · " May that Gracious God still continue to protect and shield your Majesty in the hour of danger, from all traterous conspiracies, and may your life be prolonged to the latest period, that in the ordinary course of nature is allotted to any human being, and when accomplished, may perfect and - - permanent happiness await you in a future state as a reward for a most exemplary and virtuous discharge of every duty that could endear your Majesty to the ard~ve and affection of all your faithful subjects." ·To His Excellency Charles Marquis Cornwallis, Lord-Lieut., Gen., and Gen. Gov. of Ireland. The address of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of Cork e. May it Please your Excellency. "We, his Ma.jestie's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of this City of Corke in Council assembled, congratu- late your Excellency on his Majestie's most happy and providential escape from assassination." cc We beg leave to transmit to your Excellency an address to our most Gracious Sovereign, which we humbly request you will be pleased to take 1Jle earliest opportunity of forwarding to Great Britain, .to be .laid before his ..... . ........ , ~8.J~Y· .

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