Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



.£33 Ss. lid. to James and Henry Knight, for printing work from 6 April, 1799, to 17 Sep., 1799 ; It., £6 14s. 3!d. to Anthony Edwards, stationer, 'his account ; It., £32 19s. 5d. to Wm. Jones, Town Clerk, his account. N ote.-A Committee was appointed in order to bring the Establishment of the Corporation to as near a certainty as possible, and having examined the Corporation Books and accounts for seven years, have reported that · £75 a year will be a reasonable sum to contract for all printing work to be in future done for three years, and £68 5s. to be paid to the Town Clerk yearly for the business usually done by him, any increase of stamp duty to be added to the above; It., £163 4s. 9}d. to William Lumley, Esq., for candles for the Guard Houses, from 15 Nov., 1794, to 20 Nov., 1798 ; It., .£19 lOs. 7d. to Will Flaherty, mason, his account; It., 6 guineas to the Sargeants at Mace, for snmmoning the Council for the present year ; It., 16s. 3d. to Jaines Uppington, for repairing the Mansion House Clock; It., that a guinea be paid for engraving a Copper-plate for the use of the Mansion House. Present-The Mayor, Abraham Lane and Isaac Jones, Sheriffs; Saml. Rowland, Michl. Busteed, Will. Lane, C. S. 26 Sep., 1799. Ordered, that a Proclamation in the name of the Mayor, &c., be issued, for the purpose of having the public Coal yards supplied with the quantity of coals now nece~sary, being 4000 l?arrels; It., £17 148. lOd. to the Mayor, expended by him at the Mansion House; It., £3 lOs. Sd. to Mr. Kinselagb, for postage, &c., paid by him at the Mansion House. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Sir S. Rowland, the Mayor Elect, Ald. Thompson ; Mr. Busteed, and Lane, C. S. · 2 Nov., 1799. Michael Busteed, Esq., Mayor. Ordered, that a pension of £10 a year be paid to Mrs. Hannah Orpen, widow of the late Burgess Orpen. John.Fitz Gerald having returned his Quarterly Report to this Board, ordered, that he be paid 6 guineas, a quarter's salary~ due to him for cal- 143


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