13 Sep., 1799. Ordered, that the tolls called Anchorage and Ballast, and other dues from Ships and Vessels coming to this Harbour be set together or sepe- rately, from the Monday next after 29 Sep., 1799, to Monday next after 29 Sep., 1800, by sealed proposals; It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange, for electing a W aterbailiff for ensuing year, at a salary of £60; _ It., that one half the above Tolls be expended in cleaning and improving the harbour ; It., £6 2s. 9d. to Mr. Sheriff Lane, paid by him in cleaning the sewer at the Guard House; It., that the three bonds payable to the Minister and Church Warden of the Parish of S. Peter, dated 8 Dec., 1740, for £160, another for £130, dated 5 Dec., 1745, and a third for £25, dated 16 April, 1725, be taken up, and a bond for the principal sum of £315 be passed to John Forster, Esq., who has advanced said sum at 6 per cent.; It., £14 15s. 9d. to Mary Shinnick, admrx. of Richard Shinnick, for the Officers' Guard Room; It., £16 5s. 4d. to Messrs. Terry and Williams, their account, from 3 May, 1799, to 23 Aug., 1799; It., £32 19s. 10d. to Anthony Edwards, printer and stationer, his account. That Nicholas Foord Lane, gent., brother of Mr. Sheriff Lane, and at his request; Revd. Thomas Dix Hincks, in consideration of his very great exertions in establishing a Society for bettering the condition of the poor, which is likely to prove of great benefit to this City; Lieut. WilJiam Fuller, I. Royal Artillery, son of Burgess Ful]er; James Bonwell Church, mercht., having served John Church ; John Travers, Esq., of Garrycloyne, eldest son of John Travers, of do., Esq. ; Thomas Deane, gent., having served Peter Deane, do. ; Julius Cresar Besnard, gent., having served Thomas Pope, gent., be admitted freemen at large. It., £7 16s. to James Hoyland, for knives and forks for the Mansion House. Present-The Mayor, the Mayor Elect; Sher. Lane and Jones; Aldeu. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Puxley, and C. S. 20 Sep., 1799. Ordered, that six dozen new Mahogany Chairs be purchased by the Mayor Elect, for the Mansion Ho!se; It., £43 1s. lOd. to Edward Morgan, printer, in full for printing work from 29 Jan., 1799, to 2 Sep., 1799; It., •
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