Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



30 July, 1799. Ordered, that a Deputation from this Corporation be sent to meet the Lord-Lieut. and invite him to dine with the Mayor and Corporation at the Mansion House, on such day as His Excell. shall appoint, and that the Sheriffs and Town Clerk be a deputation. That the Rt. Hon. Lord Brome, son of His Excell. the Lord-Lieut., be presented with his freed{)m in a Silver Box; also, Lieut.-Col. Littlehales, private sec. to Lord-Lieut., in a Silver Box. In consideration of the dis- · tinguisbed merit of our townsman, Mr. Will. Cotter, whose abilities have raised him to be a Fellow of the University of Dublin, ordered, that said William Cotter be admitted a freeman at large. Richd. Beare, Esq., Capt. City of Corke Militia. James Lane, clothier, having served Richard Lane; Richard Lane, Jun., having served Richd. Lane ; Robert Pratt, gent., eldest son of the Revd. James Pratt ; Saml. Merrick, gent., having served Benj. Swayne, Atty.-at-Law; Mr. Robert McClure, at the request of the Mayor; William Dore, Esq., at the request of Mr. Sher. Jones, be admitted freemen at large. It., 3 guineas to Edwd. Westcomb, Exchange Keeper, half a year's Salary, and .£1 3s. 3d. the amount of his account ; It., 12 guineas to John Fitz Gerald, half a year's Salary for calculating the price of wheat and grain, to fix the assize of Bread, and return to Government; It., that said Fitz Gerald do furnish his account quarterly, and with it a correct list of the calculation of the assize the preceeding quarter, with his remarks thereon. Present--The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Sir Saml. Rowland, Shaw, Thompson, Lucas, Sir V. Pick ; Mr. Fuller and Lane, C. S. 23 Aug., 1799. . The order of 17 July last, respecting the Badging of the Coal Porters is hereby confirmed and extended to 2 Sep. next., after which day if any person shall work ~s a coal porter without having s~ch Badge he shall forfeit 5s., to be recovered before the May~r or any of the Aldermen, or in default one week's imprisonment in the Bridewell; It., .£172 2B. 5d. to the Mayor, expenses of waiting on and entertaining the Lord-Lieut. Present-- Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs ; Aid•. Owgan, Kellett, Sir S. Rowland, Shaw, Thompson, Lucas ; Burgesses Busteed, W estropp, and Lane, C. S.

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