Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals




\ 5 June, 1799. Whereas 2088 Globe Lamps have been erected within this City and Suburbs, and it is the ·opinion of this Board that an additional number of 100 lamps shall be erecte~ therein, we, the Mayor, &c., do fix 2188 Globe Lamps as necessary for said City and Suburbs, said lamps to have a head constructed to give free air, so that the light shall burn clear, to be lighted on 1 July next, and continue lighted from sunrise to s~nset, for a term of three years, &c., and w~ fix the yearly sum of £1 8s. 6d. a lamp for erecting, lighting, &c., and we appoint William Alexander to receive from William Bell, late lamp contractor, the Globe .lamps, Lamp Irons, and Posts of the Parishes of S. Ann Shandon, S. Mary Shandon, and S. Peter, and we also appoint William Stevens and Francis Johnson to receive from said William Bell the Lamps, Lamp Irons, and posts of the Parishes of the Holy Trinity, S. Paul's, S. Nicholas, and S. Fin Baries. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Sir S. Rowland, Owgan, Thompson, Lucas ; Burgesses Westropp, Busteed, Leycester, Fuller, and C. S. 21 June, 1799. We think the" sum of £500 a reasonable sum for the Lamp Contractors to enter into security for the faithful execution of their duty, and we approve of Andrew Drinan, mercht., and William Stephens, Jun., chandler, as security for Francis Johnson, Esq., and William Stephens, glazier ; and we approve of Will. Alexander, Jun., and Will. Robt. Adams, mercht., as security for William Alexander, Linen draper. r· Present-The Mayor ·and Sheriffs; Alden. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Thompson, Sir V. Pick; Mr. Busteed, Leycester, and Pope, C. S. 17 July, 1799. Ordered, that all persons employed in the Carriage of Coals within this City and Suburbs after 31 July inst., shall on or before that day register his name with the Mayor, from whom he will receive a Badge with a number thereon, which shall be conspicuously worn at all times when such person shall be employed, and every such person shall on demand produce such badge, and permit the number to be taken, and any persOn who shall be employed in the Carriage of coal, without wearing such badge, exposed

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