Ordered, that the Bond passed to Hans Stewart, Esq., for £400 be taken up, and a bond for £300, and another for £100, with interest at 6 per cent., be passed, the £300 bond payable to said H. Stewart, and the £100 to Mrs. Eliz. Smith; It., £4 8s. 6d. to Mr. Kinselagh for postage of letters to the Mayor, &c., paid by him at the Mansion House ;. It., 2 guineas to said Kin- selagh, paid by him in advance to Mr. Maturin for the Dublin News Paper for the Mayor ; It., 4 guineas to Ald. Owgan, a year's rent for the Coach House held with the Mansion House; It., £71 4s. 7d. to George Barber for coals furnished the different Guard 'Houses; It., £10 18s. Old. to said Barber for candles for the Guard Houses; It., £5 19s. 8~d. to Sher. Jones for repairs, &c., to the Guard House 'in Tuckey Street; It., 10 guineas to John FitzGerald, half year's. sallary for ascertaining the average prices of Corn and Oats to strike the Assize of bread; It., that a quantity not ex- ceeding 100 barrels of Coals be bought, under the direction of the Mayor, for the Corporation; It., .£39 15s. 8~d. to Messrs. Terry and Williams for work done from Aug., 1798, to April, 1799; It., £30 to Jonathan Davis, . . - ironmonger) his account; It., £50 9s. 5d. to tTames and Henry Knight for printing work; It., £26 3s. 9!d. to Will. Flyn, printer, his account from 4 Oct., 1798, to 25 11ar., 1799; It., £28 7s. Old. to Edward Henry Morgan for printing work from 27 Jan., 1798, to 9 Jan., 1799. The very great increase in the expense of printing has made this Board think it necessary to resolve," That all advertisements,. &c., shall in future be published but in one Newspaper at a time, and that the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., Sir Sam 1• Rowland, Ald. Shaw and Mr. Busteed be a committee to carry this resolution into effect ; It., £50 to Will. Flaherty, mason, his account. That Wm. Cape, of Dublin, Esq., be presented with his freedom in a. 1-- Silver Box, in testimony of the high sense this Board entertains of his exertions to discover and bring to light a horrid conspiracy formed to destroy ~~S. . kingdom; also the Rev. Wm. O'Connor, of Dublin, Clk.; Rev. John Lombard, of Harriet Ville, Clk.; Will. Maunsell, gent., Atty.-at-Law (now of Limerick) ; and Ferdinand Litchfield, gent., be admitted freemen at large. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. O~gan, Kellett, Sir S. Row- land, Shaw, Sir V. Pick; Mr. Westropp, Busteed, Fuller, and Pope, C. S.
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