Present-The Mayor, Sher. Lane; Alden. Lawton, Owgan, SirS. Rowland, Puxley, Shaw, Sir V. Pick ; Mr. W estropp, Bousfield, Leycester, and Pope,. C.& 5 Jan.,- 1799~ A most respectable deputation of the Freemen at large having this aay- ~aited on the Mayor and Council, praying, that they might take under their· consideration the expediency of an Union between the two kingdoms Great . Bljtain and Ireland, as the most certain means of restoring internal tran- ,. qU:ility and defending -M. from all future-hostile attempts of our inveterate / foes, aided and encouraged by the Treachery and Rebellious Machinations of many of His Majesty's deluded and ill-disposed subjects within the realm. The Council after givjng the subject their ·most serious consideration, have. come to the following resolutions, viz., Resolyed, that we conceive an Union between Gr~at Britain and Irelan<t,.. gro~nded upon just and equitable terms, will be the most effectual and decisive means of establishing and preserving the Peace and Prosperity of. this kingdom. ... Resolved. that we have formed our opin.'ion on the fullest confidence fu., the wisdom of Parliament, that the gener~ welfare .of the king~om shall. form a basis in •the arrangement of thls~porta1it ..questioii,:a;ndttrat .tire. · principles of the. Constitutioo, the commercial, manufacturin& and lande<i interests will be protected and preserved. We.therefore conceive the most dignified mode tha.t can. bs. adopted in so. important a subject will be,, by an humble and. dutiful address. to his. Majesty from the Mayor, Sheriffs, Common Council, and Commonalty in. _Court of Doyer Hundred assembled,.and the Sheriffs, Sir Saml. Rowland, Ald. Puxley, .Ald. Shaw,. and Mr~ Leycester! or any three of them, are hereby. appointed a committee. to join with a committee of the Court of Doyer. Hundred, to prepare a suitable address, should the mode above suggested~ meet the approbation of that Court. Present-Mr.. Mayor,.Sheriffs Jones and Lane; Alden. Owg~n, Rowland,., P~~y, Shaw, Lucas, Pick; Burgesses Westropp, Leycester, Busteed, and. ~ the Common Speaker. · · 16 April, 1799. Thomas Fuller was sworn a member of the Council 142-2:
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