Rowland and Ald. Lucas shall think n1ost useful. It., That the trees on . the Red House Walk be inspected by the above Committee, and that they have such trees as they shall find necessary headed, and that the heading shall be sold and the produce applied in repairing and improving the Walk, as shall be thought most useful and ornamental. It., .that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S., Mr. W estropp, and Busteed be a committee to inspect the several Guard Houses, that they be empowered to order such small works as are necessary, and advertise for proposals for executing the remainder of the work ; It., £15 8s. 9d. to Richard Shinnick for the r:ent of an Officers' Guard Room for 26 weeks; It., £8 2s. 8!d. to Mr. Kinselagh, for different charges; It., £28 11s. 8d. to Thomas White, .stationer, his account from 23 June, 1796, to 9 Nov., 1798; It., £100 to Saml. Hobbs, joiner, towards payment of his account ; It., £20 to the Mayor to purchase a -Carpet ~or the Mansion House. That Robert . Laryford Besnard, gent. ; Thomas Townsend, Esq. ; and Thomas Barter, of Co0ldaniel, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. ·'"• . Present--The Mayor, Sher. ~ones; Alden. Owgan, Lucas.; Burgess Bus- teed, W estropp, and the C. S. 2 Jan., 17:99. Ordered, that £15 12s. 10id. be paid Michrel Roberts Westropp, Esq., for the repairs of the different Guard Houses, &c. ; It., £53 ls. 7 d. to the late Mayor, expended by him in the repairs of Blackrock Castle and offices ; It., £9 3s. 8!d. to Mr. Kinselagh for different purposes at the Mansion House; It., a pension of £20 perr annum to Ellen Harris, widow of the late Ald. Harris.; It., that the estimate of Joseph Howell, amounting to .£11, for repairing the North Shambles, and that of John _Smith for repairing South Shambles £11 7s. 6d., this day laid before this Board be approved of, and executed under the inspection of the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., and Mr. Westropp; It., £2 16s. 10!d. to James Mara, mason, for repairing the chimneys of the Guard House in Tuckey Street. That Alexander Jack, gent., eldest son of George Jack, gent., be admitted a freeman at large. · It., That the different gangs of Coal Porters be badged and registered; It., that the present Mayor, Sherriff's, and C. S. do transmit the Corporation Subscription for the defence of the Country to Government.
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