Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



16 Oct., 1 79R Philip Bennet~ Esq., Mayor.

Ordered, that .£18 15s. 11d. be paid Charles O'Sullivan, for the rent of an Officer's Guard Room, near the Shandon Guard; I_t., £13 13s. to Francis Johnson, High Constable, paid by him for the preservation of the public peace during the alarm in this country. This Board having taken into consideration the uncommon dangets to .which Robert Harding, Esq., one of the late Sheriffs of this City was expo~ed, and which extended to a conspiracy against his life in consequence ·of his indefatigable exertions in discovering plots which were meditated for the distrnction of this City, and his very strenuous and effectual endea· -vours to preserve the public peace, and being therefore of opinion that he is entitled to some distinguished mark of public favour, ordered, that the Mayor, the late. Mayor, the Sheriffs, Ald. Shaw, and the C. S., with six gentlemen chosen in the C. D. H., be a committee to purchase and present Doctor Harding with a piece of plate, not to exceed 100 guineas. It., 6 · guineas to the Serjeants at Mace for serving ·the Council summonses last year. / That Charles Vereker, Esq., M.P. for the City of Limerick, Col. of the { City of Limerick Militia, and eldest son of Thomas Vereker, Esq. ; Lieut.· Gen. Gerard Lake, Com.-in-chief of the Southern District, now in this City, be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box, as a testimony of the high __.. service this Board entertains for his eminent services rendered to this king· dom; also, John Bennet~ Esq., eldest son of the Ron. Judge Bennett; William Jones, Jun., Esq., Capt. 5th Reg. of Dragoon Guards, eldest son of William Jones, Esq., Town Clerk ; George Rye, of Ryemount, Esq. ; Samuel Swete, of Kilglass, Esq.; Henry Wallis, of Maryboro', Esq., and Robert Parker Parker, of Carrigrohan, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Present--The Mayor, Sher. Lane and Jones; Alden. Lawton, Owgan, SirS. Rowland, Shaw, Sir V. Pick, Berry; Mr. Pope, C. S., and Westropp. 20 Nov., 1798. Ordered, that the trees lately blown down on the Red House Walk be sold by public auction, and the money applied in the repair and improve- ments of said walk in such manner as the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., Sir Sam 1 • 142

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