Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Lucas, Sir V. Pick ; Mr. Leycester, Busteed, and Pope, C. S.

27 Sep., 1798. The Mayor Elect sworn to keep the secrets of the Council.

Ordered, that Robt. Patterson be appointed Dep. Waterbailiff of the dis~rict of Corke; It., William Cottrell, do., of the district of Passage; It., Henry Seymour, do., of the district of Cove. That His Excell Charles, Marquis of Cornwallis, Lo.-Lieut. of Ireland, be presented with his freedom in a Gold Box, to be presented by our Reoorder and Representatives in Parliament, and that a suitable address be presented therewith; also, the Rt. Hon. Lord Castlereagh, Principal Sec. to the Lo.-Lieut. in a Silver Box. It., £14 6s. 3d. to Charles Dickinson, for kitchen furniture supplied the Mansion House; It., £4 18s. to the Mayor, for scarlet moreen curtains for the bedsteads belonging to the Mansion House; It., £15 15s. for a variety of contingent expenses paid at the Mansion House by order of the Mayor, by Mr. Kinselagh; It., £2 13s. 1d., to Sher. Harding, expended by him ; It., 7 guineas to the Mayor, paid by him for the Attorney-General's opinion on the construction of the Salt Act, in order to ascertain the price of salt. That Davies Tuckey, gent., having served the late Thos. Chatterton, and James Chatterton, Jun., Atty.-at-Law, be admitted a freeman at large. It., £10 to Joseph Gibbs, one year's instructing the children of the Blue Coat Hospital to sing ; It., that Kingsmill Berry, Esq., be appointed.Con- stable of the Castle of Blackrock; It., £3 4s. 6d. to Robert Patterson, paid by him for sending se':~ral women that were an incumbrance to the City to England. I That Richard Donovan, Esq., Commander of the Lord Donoughmore, revenue cruiser ; Capt. Jasper Swete, now in the service of the Ron. East India Company; Richard Walsh, gent.; Richd. Roberts, of Ardmore, gent., be admitted freemen at large. Present--The Mayor, She:r. Cuthbert and Harding; Aiden. Lawton, Owgan, ;(Sir S. Rowland, P~~y, Thompson, Sir V. Pick, Lucas, the Mayor Elect; .Mr. Busteed, Leycester, and Pope, C. S.

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