ADDRESS TO-EARL CAMDEN. 1125 gent., eldest son of Sir Patrick O'Connor ; James Ingram, gent., eldest son -J- ~ - of James I., mercht., dec., be admitted Freemen at large. Ordered, that the Mayor order 200 Barrels of Coals to be bought for the Corporation. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Lawton, SirS. Rowland, Sir V. Pick; Mr. Busteed, Allen, Bousfield, Leycester, and Digby, C. S. 23 June, 1798. Ordered, that the Corporation subscription of £500 be immediately raised from the Pipe Water Shares, and paid to the Mayor, to be by him transmitted to the Lords of the Treasury, agreeable to order of this Board of 27 Feb., 1798 ; It., that Sheriff Harding be paid .£6 3s., money expended on contingencies. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Cuthbert; Alden. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Thompson, Bousfield, Leycester, and Digby, C. S. 29 June, 1798. The Common Speaker sworn to keep the secrets of the Council. Resolved unanimously, that the address now read be transmitted to Earl Camden, expressive of our gratitude to him for his exertions to preserve this kingdom. Resolved, that on account of the delay that may attend individual signa- ture of each Councilman, that the addr~ss be signed by the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S., and transmitted by the Clerk of the Council to Lord Carleton, our Recorder, to be by him forwarded to Earl Cambden. Present--The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. SirS. Rowland, Puxley, Shaw, Thompson ; Mr. Busteed, Leycester, and Pope, C. S. 17 July~ 1798. Ordered, that £38 17 8. 1d. be paid to Carden Terry and John Williams, for work done; It., £84 198. 11d., to James and Henry Knight, for printing work; 'It., £64 188. 6d. to wm. Jones, Town Clerk, for business done; It., £9 17s. 6d. to George Barber, for money paid for coal for the Guard Houses; It., 4 guineas to Sheriff Cuthbert, expenses of pressed horses during the time of the alarm; It., -one guinea to Sheriff Harding, Raid by him to a
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