Second's statue from the place in which it is now erected, to the South end of the Grand Parade, will be a great improvement to the Public Passage and an ornament to that end of the City, ordered, that the following gentle- men be a Committee to receive proposals for the above purpose and report, the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., Sir Saml. Rowland, Ald. Thompson, and Mr. B u s teed. Ordered, that £5 15s. 4d. be paid to the Sheriffs, expended in the public serviCe. That Thomas Herbert Orpen, Esq., eldest son of Herbert 0., Esq.; Thomas Ellis, Esq., son of Richard E., Esq. ; Henry .A. Goold, eldest son of Patrick G., mercht. ; George Carleton, mercht., having served Wm. Leycester and Saml. McCall, do., be admitted freemen at Large. It., 4 guineas to Ald. Owgan, a year's rent of a stable held with the Mansion House. Whereas the Mayor, &c., by their order dated 24 Feb., 1789, ordered, that the person appointed Constable or Keeper of the Castle of Blackrock should during his continuance, at his own expense, keep the Castle and offices of Blackrock in complete order, and repair and paint the same as often as this Board shall think fit, which order was confirmed by the C. D. H.:? and whereas Thomas Shinkwin,· one of the Freemen, Vintner, was appointed Constable thereof, and he has neglected to perform the said condition, this :Board doth hereby determine the appointment of said Shinkwin to be con- stable of the Castle of Blackrock. That Richard Foot, gent., having served James Gregg and John Franklin, do.; Thomas Dunscombe, mercht.; Thomas Crofts, clothier, having served Jacob Biggs, do.; and Thomas Walker, Distiller, be admitted freemen at large. It., 17 s. 3d. to the Exchange Keeper. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Lucas, Lawton, Shaw, Thompson, Pu:xley; Mr. Busteed, Bousfield, Ley- cester, and Digby, C. S. 5 May, 1798. Mr. Philip Allen sworn a Council man. That Andrew Pick, eldest son of Sir Vesian Pick, Kt. ; John O'Connor,
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