Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



the French to invade this country; It., that the Sincere thanks of this Board be given to the Yeomanry Corps of the Co. and City of Corke who so eminently distinguished themselves in the Public Service at the late alarming crisis; It., that this Board are highly sensible of the spiri and promptitude which prevailed amongst the Regular and Militia Forces and the dependance to be placed on their exertions, and for which we return them our particular thanks. That Thomas W estropp, Esq., Doctor of Physic ; Joseph Dennis, Esq. Counc.-at-Law; John Martin, mercht., be admitted freemen at large. \·/1 It., that the several foregoing resolutions of thanks be published twice A in the Cork Evening Post, Flyn's papers, and the Dublin and Hibernian Journals; It., £29 14s. 1d. to the Mayor, so much expended by him in. the Public Service during the time of the alarm of the French being on the Coast. Present-The Mayor, Sher. Allen; Alden. Lawton, Rowland, Puxley, Shaw, Thompson ; Mr. Busteed, Bousfield, Harding, C. S., and W estropp. 9 May, 1797. Ordered, that a Bond for £200, payable to Mrs. Eliz. W estropp, and another Bond for £550 payable to Hans Stuart, Esq., both beating interest at 6 per cent., be passed by the·Corporation, instead of a bond for £150; and another, for £600, her~tofore passed to said Hans Stewart, which are to be given up on said two first-mentioned bonds being passed. It., that a bond for £500 passed to Mr. John Teulon, for £500 at 6 per cent., dated 17 July, 1789, and which was assigned by him to Mr. Michrel Usher Doyle, and further assigned by Mr. Doyle to Mr. William Craig, of Henry Street, Vintner, be taken up, and instead thereof a bond passed by the Mayor, &c., to said Craig, for the sum of £500 at 6 pe1· cent. ; It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S., for the time being, Burgess Busteed, Ald. Shaw and Thompson, be a committee for examining tradesmen's accounts. Present-The Mayor, Sher. Gibbins and Allen; Alden. Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, ~~ey, Shaw, Thompson, Lucas ; Mr. Busteed, Lawton, Kellett, Izod, Westropp, Bousfield, and Harding, C. S.

13 June, 1797. That John Mitchell, clothier, eldest sou of George M., do. ; Thomas

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