Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

~ 1112


· Comerford, Esq.; Bryan Sheehy, Esq.; Albert Stubbman, mcrcht.; Peter Warburton, Esq., Capt. H. I. Artillery; Revd. Morgan Donovan, Clk.; and Rev. John Kenny, be admitted freemen at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Jackson; Alden. Lawton, Kent, Sir S. Row- land, Kingston, Puxley, Shaw, Thompson; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Bousfield, Leycester, Harding, C. S., and Mayor -Elect. 16 Sep., 1796. Ordered, that £25 5s. be paid to Saml. Hobbs, carpenter, work done; It., £6 15s. 5id. to Danl_Collins for repairing the South Meat Market; It., £415s. to Dennis Driscol for Printing work; It., 11s. to Edwd. Westcomb for cleaning Council Chamber; It., £3 5s. to George Barber for upholstering work done at the Mansion House ; It., £1 9s. 9td. to George Corlett for smiths' work; It., £52 7s. lOd. to wm. Jones, Town Clerk, in full for his accotmt; It., £12 lOs. to Sir Saml. Rowland, fees paid by him to the Siizors (?)in his cause; lt., £12 7s. 5!d. to Strettell Jackson, Esq., expended by him since he became Sheriff; It., £31 19s. 8!d. to the Mayor, expended by him on public occasions; It., £5 11s. to Mrs. Travers, for a mattrass, &c,, provided by her at the tinle the Lord-Lieut. came to Corke; It., £10 to Joseph Gibbs for teaching the children of the Blue Coat Hospital to sing ; It., £23 lOs. 3!d. to Philip Bennett, apothecary, for medicines and attend- ance at the Blue Coat Hospital; It., £38 7s. 3!d. to Robt. Reeves, Agent in Dublin, for different opinions taken by him and approbations; It., £9 16s. 4!d. to Edmond Roche Kinselagh, Esq., amount of his account; It., that one moiety, or half of the Fees, &c., collected by the Waterbailiff and his Deputies to be collected from 29 Sep. next to 2~ Sep., 1797, shall, after the payment of the charges of said office, be put into the hands of a Committee,·to be chosen in the C. D. H., to be applied for the same purpose as contained in the order of-18 Sep. last ; It., that a sallary of £60 be paid the Waterbailiff, and that a posting be put up in the Exchange for electing a Waterbailiff; It., that the Corporation dues collected by the Dep. Water- bailiff of Cove and Passage be set ·to the Highest bidder; It., we appoint the person who shall be accepted as the Highest bidder for the dues of Cove and Passage, to be Dep. Water Bailiff for said places during the pleasure of this Board; It., that the Members of the Common. Council be a

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