Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



For the Carti.age of each Barrel of Coals for 100 yards or under, three half-pence. For above 100 yards to 200 yards, twopence. For above 200 yards to 300 do., threepence halfpenny. For above 300 yards to 400 do., fourpence halfpenny. For above 400 yards to 600 do., fivepence halfpenny. For above 600 do. to 800 do., sixpence halfpenny, For above 800 do. to 1100 do., eightpence halfpenny. For bringing each barrel of Coal out of the ship, and putting the same into a carriage at the ship's side, three halfpence. If dropped on the ground and afterwards- measured and put into a carriage, twopence. Ordered, that any Measurer or Coal Porter who shall refuse to work for the above wages, or shall demand or take more wages than set forth above, shall forfeit 58. for each offence, to be paid to· the Governor of the House of Industry for the use of the poor, to be recovered by distress, or sale of the offender's goods. It., that if any person shall presuru.e to act as a. Coal :Measurer in said ·City or liberties, without being authorized by a waiTant under the hand · and seal of the Mayor, and first sworn to do justice between buyer and seller he shall forfeit 58. to be recoV'ered as above; It., £55 08. 4Jd. to Ald. Hugh Lawton, so much expended by him for S. Stephen's Hospital ; It., £51198. 3d. to Saml. Hobbs, for work done; It., 20 guineas to Saml. Reily, goldsmith, for the Gold Box presented to the present Lord- Lieut. ; £84 178. 7d. to Messrs. Shaw, Evanson, and Busteed, for cloathing supplied the Corporation; It., .£31 178. to Messrs. Shaw, Evanson, and Busteed, for cloathing for the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital, from 5 June, 1794, to 20 April, 1796; It., £12 158. 10}d. to Wm. Flaherty, for Mason's work; It., £8 4s. 8d. to Saml. Hobbs and Wrn. Flaherty, for work done at the Root Market ; It., £20 3s. 11 }d. to Messrs. Daly and Travers, for stationery ; It., £18 78. 5d. to Messrs. James and Henry Knight, for printing work; It., ~39 98. 8}d. to said J. a.nd H. Knight, for printing work ; It., £5 198. 11d. to Messrs. Ale%ander and Johnson, High Cons-tables, their expenses with a guard at last Cork Fair ; It., £6 88. to Mr. John Casey, for cards for Council summonses, from 5 Dec., 1791, to 16 Feb. last; It., £34 128. 10}d. to Wm. Browne, for iron work; It., £4 ISs. Bid. to ~ohn Crosby, for plaistering work done in the Mansion House; It., £4 118. . to Ald. Owgan, one year's rent ~f the Coach House in Millerd Street.

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