SirS. Rowland, Ald. Ranis, Shaw, Thompson; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Allen, C. S., Bousfield, and Sir. J. Franklin. 8 Jan., 1796. Ordered, that a pension of £10 a year be paid too Mrs. Ann Fergusson, widow of Charles F., one of the Burgesses of this City; It., a pension of £20 a year to Mrs. Melian Webb, widow of the late Ald. Webb ; It., 4 guineas to the Sergeants at Mace, for serving Council summonses for pre- sent year; It., that. Mr. Kent buy 100 Barrels of Coals; It., £635 to the Mayor, in addition to £365 by the C. D. H. ; It., £5 4s. 9d. to Will. Alex- ander and Francis Johnson, high constables, so much expended by them in providing dinner for the officers and soldiers who attended to preserve the peace last Fair-day ; It., 3 guineas to Ald. Thompson, paid by him for summoning councils; It., 11s. 3d. to Edwd. Westcomb, Exchange Keeper, necessaries for Exchange and Council Chamber; It., 10 guineas to Alex. Thompson, to be paid to the representatives of Ann Crutch, who died of a very ~align ant Fever at Corke, on her return from the West Indies, bei~g the value of her cloathing destroyed by Mr. Thompson, when Mayor, by advice of the Physicians, to prevent infection; It., £14 7s. 10-!d. to Thomas White, stationer, his account from 1 March, 1787, to 7 Jan., 1796; It., £10 to Henry Townsend Daly, for calculating the middle price of wheat and oats, and the medium price of all corn bought in the City last year, td return to the collector weekly; It., £6 13s. 7d. to John Warner, plumber, for repairing the cupola of the Exchange, pursuant to estimate. Present-Mr. Mayor and both Sheriffs ; Alden. Owgan, Kent, Sir J. Frank- lin, Harris, Thompson, SirS. Rowland, Shaw; Mr. Izod, Busteed, Bousfield, ~llen, C. S., and W estropp. 11 June, 1796. Ordered, that the following wages be paid for measuring and carrying coals in the City of Corke, and the following rules be observed by the Coal Measurers and Coal Porters : To the Coal }.1easurer, for measuring each Barrel of Coals; one penny. To the Coal Porter, for landing each Barrel of Coals out of a Boat, one penny.
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