Present-l\1r. Mayor, Sher. Perrier, Mayor Elect; Alden. Webb, Lawton, Kent, Kingston, Harris, Shaw; Mr. Westropp, Izod, Busteed, Carleton, and Allen, C. S. 11 .A ?.tg., 1795. That His Excell. John Earl Camden, Lo.-Lieut., be presented with his freedom in a Gold Box, with suitable address, if he comes to this part of the Country, to be presented by one of our Sheriffs, our Recorder, and Representatives if in Dublin, and by Lord Donoughmore if Col Hutchinson should not be in Dublin. Also, that George Foot, of Millfort, co. Corke, Esq., be admitted a free- man at large. Ordered, that £7 1s. 11d. be paid to George Barber, upholsterer, for a leather mattrass and bolster for the use of the Main Guard House; It., £12 Is. 2id. to the Mayor, expended by him on the entertainment at Black- rock; It., £2 19s. to Mr. Kiuselagh, expenses paid by him at the Mansion House. That Aylmer Allen, brewer, having served his late father, Aylmer A., to the time of his death, and afterwards his brother Edw~d Allen, be admitted a freeman at large. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs, ]\1ayor Elect; Alden. Webb, Owgan, Kingston, Harris, Shaw; :Mr. Izod, Westropp, Busteed, and Allen, C. S. 9 Sep., 1795. Ordered, that the Sheriffs and Town Clerk wait on the Lord-Lieut., now at Lord Shannon's, at Castle Martyr, to invite His Excell. to this City to dine with the Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriffs ·Sir David Perrier and Bagnell; Alden. Webb, Owgan, Sir S. Rowland, Kingston, Har~is, Puxley, Shaw ; Mr. Wes- tropp, Busteed, Carleton, and Allen, C. S. 10 Sep., 1795. The very judicious, humane, and spirited conduct of Lieut.-Gen. Massey, Com.-in-Chief in Munster, on a late occasion in this City, being considered by this Board as highly meritorious and deserving of every public mark of distinction, and Gen. MasseY. being already a Freeman- •
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