15 July, 1795. We, the Mayor, &c., do fix 450 Globe lamps of eleven inches diameter, as necessary to be erected in this City and Suburbs, in addition to those already erected, and we fix 17s. 5!d. for the iron posts, Globe heading, and Burner of each of £~aid lamps, and for erecting and painting same £392 168, 3d., \.1 and the sum of 15s. for lighting, cleaning, &c., aforesaid lamps, from 1 Oct. V' to 1 June next, amounting to £337 lOs. We, the Mayor, &c., do appoint and contract with Bradshaw Popham and William Alexander to be contractors for erecting, &c., aforesaid 450 lamps, and for lighting, cleansing, &c., said lamps. We do appoint the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., Mayor Elect, and Sheriffs Elect, Alden. Harris and Shaw, and Mr. Westropp to be a Committee ~r appointing where said lamps shall be erected. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bagnell, Mayor Elect; Alden. Webb, Kent, Kingston, Harris ; Mr. Izod, W estropp, Carleton, and Allen, C. S. 24 July, 1795. That Samuel Fryer, silversmith, having served Carden Terry, do. ; Johnson S. Leger, cotton manufactr., having served Bradshaw Popham, do., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that Mr. Kent do buy 100 barrels of coals; It., £13 128. ll!d. \ be paid James and Henry Knight for printing work from 11 Oct., 1794, to 23 June, 1795 ; It., six guineas to the :Mayor for repairing and painting j King George II. statue; It., £40 14s. 9id. to Carden Terry, silversmith, for 1 a Gold Box for Lord FitzWilliam's freedom, and a Silver Box for Lord 1 Milton's ; It., 30 guineas to Wm. Jones, Town Clerk, his expenses in Dublin three weeks, by direction of the Managers chosen to conduct the suit brought by Sir Sam•. Rowland against the Corporation of Corke. The Mayor having represented to this Board his opinion of .the n~cessity . of establishing a Granary for receiving Com next Season for the use of the Public, to be purchased by public subscription; ordered, that the Mayor and Sheriffs do in the name of this Corporation, subscribe 100 guineas towards such scheme, to the person to be appointed Treasurer thereto, and further, that liberty be given to the subscribers to make use of the Corn Market for storing such com ; It., 40 guineas to the Mayor to provide an U entertainment to commemorate the 1 Aug. • · --?\:
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