Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



guineas to Sheriff Perrier and Mr. Jackson, C. S., expenses they were at in going to Dublin to present an address to his Excellency, from the Com- mon Council. Present-The Mayor and Sheriffs; Alden. Lawton, Kent, Crowly, Shaw, Willcocks, Sir S. Rowland; Mr. Busteed, Westropp, Lucas, and Jackson, c. s. 23 May, 1795. Ordered, that £4 17 8. be paid John Turner for a second coat of paint fOI' the outside of the new Markets; It., £11 4s. 9!d. be paid the Mayor for . ~!inisters' Money, repairing the pump, &c., at the Mansion House; It., £50 198. 1d. to Wm. Jones, Town Clerk, his account from 20 June, 1794, to 23 May, 1795; It., £1 18. 6d. to Edward Westcomb, his account; It., £4 118. to said Westcomb, half a year's sallary as Keeper of the Exchange, ( an addition of £1 118. this half year only; It., 20 guineas to Edmond _. Roche Kinselagh, Esq., Sword Bearer, for the purchase of a sword. That Richard Perry, mercht., having served John Pedder, do.; Joseph Gubbins, gent., eldest son of James G., Esq.; John George Newsom, eldest son of George N., Mercht., dec.; William Magrath, cooper, having served John Col.e, Jun., do.; John Evans, Woollen Draper, having served John Garde, and afterwards Henry Sadlier, mercht.; Edward Byrne, of Dublin, mercht., at the request of the Mayor; John O'Mullane, mercht., at the request of Sheriff Perrier; Jamus Morrogh, mercht., at the request of Sheriff Bagnell, be admitted freemen at large. It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, a'nd C. S., and Ald. Shaw be a committee to enquire into the several matters this day referred for enquiry. . Present-The Mayor, and She,riffs; Alden. Owgan, Kent, Sir J. Franklin, Shaw; Mr. Izod, W estropp, Busteed, Lucas, Jackson, C. S. and Harris. . 16 Jwne, 1795. Ordered, that on the recommendation of the Rector, Curate, and parish- ioners of the Parish of S. Peter, Charles Greaves, House Carpenter, and Charles Broad, stone cutter, be eanployed to rebuild the Alms House and repair the Charity School Hous•as in said Parish, and that they be paid .£229 178. 6d. for said work, 50 gt ti.neas when said Alms House is roofed, the balance when the whole i~ corrlpleted, whi~h must be before the 29 Sep.

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