Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


THE LO.-LIEUTENAXT'S ANSWER TO THE ADDRESS OF THE COUNCIL. X me of inviolable attachment to his Majesty, the faithful Guardian and asserter of those principles, under the influence of which your City has so long and so eminently flourished. His Majesty must ever command that attachment, and must ever reign in the hearts of all his subjects." Ordered, that £4 11s. be paid Thomas Owgan, Esq., one year's rent of a Coach House for the Mansion House; It., £18 11s. 5d. to William Fla- herty, for mason's work done from 10 Aug., i 793, to 21 Jan., 1795 ; It., ~ £3 15s. 7d. to Dennis Driscoll, printer of the Cork Gazette, for work done; It., £93 6s. 4d. to Mrs. Shaw Evanson and Busteed, for cloatbing for the Sergeants, Bailiffs, Bellmen, and Mayor's Constable; It., £6 15s. 11~d. to the Mayor, expenses of sending home several soldiers' wives left a burden on the City; It., £11 5s. 7ld. to the Mayor, expenses at the Mansion House; It., £28 5s. 8!d. to William Browne, smith, for work done ; It., £1 12s. 2d. to Cresar Fanning, paper-maker, for papering the Officers' Guard '2<; Room ; It., £13 Os. 5d. to John Warner, silversmith, for work done from 19 March, 1793, to 24 March 1794; It., £40 7s. lld. to Messrs. Hobbs and Flaherty, work .done at the different markets; It., £3 7s. 5id. to George Barber, sundries at the Mansion House; It., £20 1s. 1 ~d. to James and Henry Knight, for printing work; It., £7 19s. 3!d. to said James and Henry Knight, for printing work; It., £16 12s. 6d. to Sam 1• Hobbs, car- penter, for work done ; It., £635 to the Mayor, in addition to the sum of -X £365 voted him by the C. D. H. to be paid quarterly ; It., that a letter of , attorney be prepared from the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council, to tL e Chamberlain of this City, or his Deputy, empowering them to receive from Doctor Arthur Browne, the money now in his hands, received by him out of the lands left by Thomas Deane, Esq., for the support, &c., of an Alms Hoqse and School in S. Peter's parish; also, to receive all rents due out of said lands, give receipts for said sums, and distrain from time to time. It., £3 to the Mayor, Minister's money of the Mansion House; It., that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and C. S., Mr. Lucas and W estropp, be a committee to inspect the coal barrels and report the state of them, and examine the accounts of Mr. Fitton, and report. The distressed state of the children of the late Wm. Snowe, Esq., for- merly Town-Clerk, being represented to this board, ordered, that 10 guineas be paid for the use of the grand-children of said Wm. Snowe. It., 48

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