/6. Funeral of Michael Fitzgerald at Cork /7. Fitzgerald’s funeral, 1920
7 items
194 March 1920
‘The Irish Situation in America, at Westminster and in Ireland’, by Sir Horace Plunkett. Speech delivered 4 March 1920. Also report from Irish Statesman. Published by I.D.L., Dublin.
195 17 April 1920
‘The Nation’, American Literary Supplement, Vol. XXVII, No. 3. Includes article on ‘The Working of Dominion Home Rule’ by Henry Harrison, pp70 -71.
196 10 May 1920
Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, Vol. 129, No.58. Includes Government of Ireland Bill.
197 12 May 1920
‘Memorial of Certain Irishmen to the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, M.P, Prime Minister’. Contains a plan for an all -Ireland conference, national self go vernment, and a procedure to overcome the ‘formidable difficulties’.
198 2 June 1920
‘Irish Chaos, The British Cause and the Irish Cure’, by Right Hon, Sir Horace Plunkett. Letter also published by The Times on 2 June 1920. Published by I.D.L.
199 1 July 1920
Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords, Vol. 40, No. 54. Including Dominion of Ireland Bill.
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