Correspondence between Brian Gallagher and Seamus Fitzgerald congratulating each other on securing Verlome for Cork. Gallagher states "for if I hooked the fish you gaffed him and Beddy landed him". 2 items
1215 8 October 1959 - 24 May 1960
Correspondence between Fitzgerald and Brian Gallagher regarding Vice-Admiral de Booy's wish to send his son Peter to an Irish Riding school for 3-4 weeks. Gallagher requests Fitzgerald to organise the stay near Cork where Admiral de Booy's has friends and business associates. Also a letter from Gallagher (24 August) planning a visit to Verlome. 15 items
1216 17 February 1962
Copy of letter from Fitzgerald congratulating Gallagher on his appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Federal Republic of Germany and discussing Mr. Verlome's disappointment regarding the conditional offer of grants from An Foras Tionnscoil. 2pp
Relating to Liffey Dockyards
1217 May-June 1961
File relating to a proposal by Verlome that they take over Liffey Dockyards, Dublin. Includes 24 May 1961 Copy letters to Fitzgerald from Mr. Verlome considering the take-over and copy of a Director's report on discussions with Liffey Dockyards. 20 items
1218 4-12 June 1963
Correspondence between Fitzgerald and G. Sweetman T.D. regarding an inaccurate report of his Dail comments that referred to Liffey Dockyard not Verlome. 5 items
1219 23-27 August 1968
Copy correspondence between G. van der Puil of Verlome and J. Lenaghan, Director Liffey Dockyard. Van der Puil assures him they "Look forward to a co-operation
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