1162 [ n.d.]
Copy of Agreement between Cork Dockyard Co. Ltd. and the Electrical Trade Unions Ireland. 5pp
1163 [n.d.]
Newsclipping "Cork Dockyard Strike Threat".
Material Relating to William L. Hok, Chief Engineer
1164 3 January 1942
Copy of order from William L. Hok, Chief Engineer, Cork Dockyard Ltd. to Haulbowline Industries, Passage West. 1p
1165 12-19 February 1942
Correspondence between Sean Moylan T.D., Parliamentary Secretary to the Department of Defense and Seamus Fitzgerald concerning William Hok who is suspected of making personal profit from company purchases. There have also been complaints "by many nationally-minded people" (Moylan) that it is wrong that an alien should own as powerful a motorboat as he does. Fitzgerald's reply states he is fully satisfied as to Hok's integrity. 2 items
1166 5 January 1948
Letter from Edmond Grace, Secretary, Cork Dockyard Ltd. to Fitzgerald discussing Mr. William Hok's position as an agent of the company employed to sell the plant now purchased by Cork Dockyards. He requires a statement from the Dutch Consul to verify matters. 1p
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