Riobárd Langford Descriptive List (Ref. U156)


Collins courtmartialled for ‘conduct unworthy’. Says that Collins got him personally sacked from 3 jobs in Dublin, even though he was ‘probably the fastest linotype..operator in the metropolis’. Refers to seeing Deasy fairly often, an ‘ideal leader’. Regarding the IRB, ‘It is dead and gone since 1924. Brugha had Collins well taped…personally I never liked him…the most foul mouthed man I ever [saw]…’. IRA casulaties in Cork amounted to 365, exculsive of civilians. Refers to murder of 4 IRA teenagers as an excuse for the murder of Erskine Childers for possession of a revolver, and reprisals. MS. note at rear : that the Eamon Dore contended that Michael Collins was anxious to make peace at early stage in civil war, but that this was negated by the murder of Eoin MacNeill’s son, Ballyseedy and the ‘Mountjoy murders’, ‘God forgive the bastards & their loud mouthed spawn at present in the 1971 Dail and RTE’. 4pp

49. 1948 – 1972

Folder with MS. note on items 46 – 48, in Irish.

1 item

50. 28 Nov. 1972 MS. Letter in Irish from Riobard Langford, Lee Press Ltd, 20-22 South Terrace, Cork to ‘A Séain, a croí’, John A. Murphy. Possibly a cover letter for items 46 – 49 which were given to Murphy by Langford. 2pp

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