Riobárd Langford Descriptive List (Ref. U156)


TS. of article or essay concerning the history of Ireland from the time of the penal laws to the Great Famine, with MS. notes by Riobárd Langford. 3pp [1960 – 1970] MS. notes by Riobárd Langford in Irish and in English concerning the history of Ireland including John Redmond and the Home Rule party. 8pp



c.1960 MS. notes, ‘The Instructive and decisive heroism of Damien’. 3pp


[1960’s] (1913- 1915) TS. essay or lecture by Riobárd Langford on the history of Ireland, mainly in Irish. Topics include 1798 rebellion, 1916 Rising, penal laws, and Catholic Emancipation, quotations from Woodham Smith’s work on the Great Famine, origins of Irish Volunteers in 1913-14, the Gaelic revival, Conradh na Gaelige, the I.R.B (Irish Republican Brotherhood), leaders of the Irish Volunteers, the A.O.H (Ancient Order of Hibernians), Home Rule, Fenians, Diarmuid O’Loinsig of Kinsale, Howth gun-running, and events in Cork during the 1916 Rising. 25pp


1969 TS. copy of speech by ‘Riobárd Ó Longpuirt’ (Riobárd Langford) at Ahiohill, near Bandon and Clonakilty County Cork, in memory of Dick Barrett who died on 8 December 1922 and the ‘gallant trio who died

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