distribution list for Foundation Hunter and Proctor seed. A letter of 28 January states that it is AGS policy to replace Beorna with Hunter seed. A letter of 9 January gives malting price and quantities for 1959, and encloses a related press release. A letter of 5 November 1958 relating to the annual barley competition makes reference to a film by Andrew Hughes-Onslow containing shots of Ballinacurra. Many October-November letters relate to barley samples submitted for analysis. A letter of 14 October refers to a proposed ‘Ballinacurra for Beamish’ scheme (see also letter of 28 October). A letter of 27 September expresses concern at the standard of recent barley samples, while noting ‘your great difficulties this year and your sympathetic attitude towards the farmers’. The file contains many letters regarding import of barley from Britain. and that the balance of JHB purchases will be transferred kiln-dried for malting by Messrs Minch, Norton & Co Ltd. In a letter of 11 August, Tristram acknowledges the Road Census report, but states this need not be done anymore, as it has been discontinued at other commission houses. A letter of 3 August thanks Mrs West for an ‘excellent’ lunch during the Barley Tour visit. There are many letters in August 1960 regarding the Barley Yield Survey. A letter of 8 July asks JHB when they commenced dealings with AGS. Dated 30 June 1960 is an ms letter from Sir Charles Harvey to Mrs West, thanking her for her hospitality on his recent visit, and referring to her involvement in a school fair, and to her sons (see also letter of 22 March, referring to Sir Hugh Beaver’s ‘farewell tour in Ireland’). A letter of 20 April forwards a Traffic Dept letter regarding freight rates, and referring to rumours that CIE is to close the Cork/Youghal rail line. Present dated 18 February is a letter from CK Mill of AGS, writing in a personal capacity, regarding a proposed fund for scientific education in Irish secondary schools. Also present is Mrs West’s reply, in which she refers to herself as ‘wife of a small school’s Head’. A letter of 30 January includes a distribution list for Banba seed. A letter of 8 January informs Mrs West of the creation of the Barley Improvement Committee, with representatives from DoA, the Agricultural Institute, and AGS. This file contains many letters relating to the Management Committee of JHB (of which GP Jackson of AGS is chairman; see B609/4/C). B609/1/A/43 Letters from AGS, September 1959 to August 1960. In a letter of 29 August 1960, DR Tristram, Malt Dept, informs Mrs West that AGS will ask JHB to steep around 34,000 barrels raw, screened barley this season, B609/1/A/44 Letters from AGS, September 1960 to August 1961. A letter of 15 August 1961 concerns John and Trevor [West’s] participation in an AGS cricket match. A letter of 8 August redirects an application for a barley contract, with the AGS reply stating ‘they [JHB] have a long waiting list already’. A letter of 27 July forwards Proceedings of the Agricultural Instructors’ Conference held at AGS last February. A letter of 24 July giving barley buying instructions for 1961 notes purchases for Irish Malt Exports (IME) and Harp Lager Brewery, as well as AGS. Dated 6 June is a letter from Mrs West to Mr Jackson regarding marketing of the new Harp lager in Midleton, and dealings with John Barry, grocer and wine merchant. A letter of 28 April concerns high arsenic figures in malt from Ballinacurra. This is linked to a specific
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