berth for Bandon was Collier’s Quay, over one mile below Inishannon. However, Kilmacsimon Quay, even further down- river, provided superior port facilities for the town (Thuillier). Captain James Cummins was documented in trade with Marion on the Bride River in Waterford in 19 02 (O’Brien). Another Kinsale Shipping Co . vessel, Colleen , also traded up the Blackwater to Tallow on the Bride. The three Tallow shipping berths were located 1 – 2 miles downriver (and east) from the town. Commenting on the ever-present dangers experienced by Kinsale mariners, John Thuillier describes the Marion of the Kinsale fleet losing her sails in a gale on the 22 May 1897 in the Bristol Channel. The Kinsale Shipping Co. was liquidated in 1918 and Old Head and Marion were sold to the Sarnia Shipping Co. of Guernsey. CLIP; IMNCL; Lloyd’s; O’Brien, Blackwater and Bride ; Scott, Irish sea schooner twilight ; Thuillier, Kinsale Harbour.
Place and date built: Tonnage/ Vessel type:
United States 1847
159t; Brig
Home port:
Owner: Activity: Master:
Edward Scott Foreign trade
1855 – 6 William Charles Johns b.1834 (Cork) 1870 Joseph Benjamin McDonnell b.1840 (Dublin)
1863 – 4 Austin Harley b.1842 (Cork)
Fate of ship:
Sold to Thomas Ellis of Bishopsgate, London in 1870 and moved to the Port of Liverpool. This ship voyaged to the Baltic and St Petersburg in 1870. Captain William Charles Johns had a son, Captain Charles Joseph Johns (b.1862), who would marry Mary K Reynolds (b.1865), daughter of Captain Robert Francis Reynolds (b.1832, Queenstown). This further demonstrates the pattern of intermarriage commonly found between mariner families.
Additional information:
Mate Austin Harley earned his Master Certificate in 1866.
CLIP; UK M&M; Sutton Family History.
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