Fermoy workhouse Board of Guardians (BG89)

Fermoy Board of Guardians


be kept of these transactions’. Also present is an LG Dept letter forwarding findings of a sworn inquiry into charges brought against the master.

18 Feb 1922 Resolved, that representatives be sent to the meeting on the draft scheme for the abolition of workhouses, and that they argue ‘in favour of the retention of the local hospital’.


15 Jul 1922 – 19 Apr 1924


19 Apr 1924 Medical Officer’s report referring to paymen t for surgical work performed for the military. The guardians note that ‘the Free State Army Authorities had contributed over £800 towards the cost of maintenance of their patients and the rate charged [ie, by the medical officer] was considerably in excess of the average cost’. LG Dept letter, stating that, in the event of confirmation of the abolition of boards of guardians under the County Amalgamation Scheme, steps should be taken to have Union accounts closed and to forward a statement of assets and liabilities to the County Council.

2. Financial Records


Board of Guardians’ Receipt and Payment Book

Scope and Content: Treasurer’s record of receipts and payments. Noted on the credit (left) side are the date of receipts, and the amount lodged. Noted on the debit (right) side are the dates of payments and the amount paid. Receipts and payments are noted as being ‘To Balance’ or brought forward. In general, particulars of receipts and payments, other than the date and amount, are not noted. Some entries, however, do note recipients, e.g., Cork County Council, RDC, Commissioners for Charitable Donations, and loan relief to inmates.

Date: 30 September 1918 – 9 May 1925

Level: Item

Extent: 1 volume

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