Macroom workhouse Board of Guardians (BG115)

Macroom Board of Guardians


name and that this letter was got up by some person for malicious motives’. Resolved, that all women who are mothers of more than one illegitimate child be kept separate from other inmates, ‘as the Poor Law requires’. Letter from medical officer, Slievreagh Dispensary District, complaining that lots given to families in Ballyvourney graveyard are too small and the surface is too light in places. He recommends purchasing a new graveyard. The board appoints a committee of the three parish clergymen, Sir George Colthurst, and the guardians of the district to select and report on a site. The Representative Church Body was also informed. [See, eg, 5 Jul, 16 Aug] 2 Aug 1884 Report of special committee appointed to enquire into the sanitary condition of the town [ie, Macroom. See also 16 Aug. On 30 Aug a letter from Cork Corporation was received regarding pollution of the Sullane river at Macroom. Analyst and committee reports read on 13 Sep]. 13 Sep LGB letter, in reply to the board, explaining that the urban sanitary authority [for Macroom] is empowered to provide urinals and water closets, but that if a rural sanitary authority [ie, the board] incurred such expenditure, ‘the auditor would probably not be called upon to question it’. [See 11 Oct] 27 Sep 1884 Master’s report regarding two inmates who ‘conducted themselves in the most insub ordinate and scandalous manner’. LGB letter regarding an illegitimate child out at nurse. Resolution from the society for the Preservation of the Irish Language adopted, regarding preference for medical candidates with knowledge of Irish. Lists of cheques passed [eg, salaries] and tenders accepted Letter from the inhabitants of Carrigadrohid on ‘the necessity for procuring a supply of pure water’, noting the present source is half a mile away and is ‘almost unapproachable’, and is ‘not at all suited for baking purposes’. 25 Oct 1884 Relieving officer’s report regarding a child desertion case at Coachford Petty Sessions. Resolution requiring tendering parties to lodge 10% of contract value, to be forfeited if tender is withdrawn late, or goods not supplied after acceptance. Resolved, that advertisements be placed in the Cork Examiner only. Resolution deploring the death of AM Sullivan and supporting a fund in his name , noting his work to better ‘the condition of fallen Ireland and humanity’. Rates for stated EDs declared uncollectable [‘waste land’, ‘vacant house’] LGB letter pointing out that notice does not appear to have been given in the case of bye-laws for common lodging houses in Macroom. 8 Nov 1884 New relieving officer appointed by election. Resolved , ‘that the re -appointment [by the government] of George Bolton is a fresh insult to the Irish people’. Representations for labourers’ cottages considered, stated numbers approved. [Special meeting held on 13 Nov, with consideration of houses, additional to the 72 already arranged to be built, deferred for 12 months]. 22 Nov 1884 LGB letter requesting ‘specific facts’ and names of witnes ses before instituting an inquiry into claims by D O’Connell, guardian, regarding contracts for workhouse supplies. [LG report read on 17 Jan 1885]

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