Macroom Board of Guardians
Workhouse: Infirmary
Matron’s Requisition Book
Scope and Content: Record containing written requests for articles required signed by the Matron and (in most cases) countersigned by the Master. The requests, mainly for clothing, bedding, and related hardware, were laid before the Board of Guardians, and their directions are noted (eg, ‘advertise’, ‘adjourned’). There are no requests for many of the years covered.
Date : 5 Dec 1894 – 18 May 1921
Level : Item
Extent : 1 volume
Boarding Out
Boarded Out Children Contract Book
Scope and Content: Volume containing printed forms of contract ‘for Boardi ng Out Pauper Children’. Contracts are between the board and the foster parent, each agreeing to stated conditions. The foster parent agrees to clothe and nourish the child, ensure it attends school and divine worship, receives medical relief if required, and to present the child for inspection by the board’s rel ieving officer. The board agrees to pay a stated sum (usually ten shillings) on the first day of each month, and to assist with clothing and schooling. Payment is continued until the child reaches 15 years of age, or is removed from the foster parent. The child’s name is recorded on the contract. Notes such as ‘cancelled’, ‘off’, and ‘dead’ have been added to some f orms.
Date : 10 Sep 1901 – 13 Apr 1922
Level : Item
Extent : 1 volume
Cork City and County Archives 2011
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