Macroom workhouse Board of Guardians (BG115)

Macroom Board of Guardians



Statistics (Dispensary)


Medical Officer’s Monthly Return Book – Inchigeela Dispensary

Scope and Content: Record containing forms completed monthly by the medical officer of Inchigeela Dispensary District, copies of which were forwarded to the PLC medical inspector. The forms, ‘Form K’, are described as ‘A Retur n of the number of patients prescribed for daily, distinguishing those attended at the dispensary from those visited at their homes: and showing the number of prescriptions dispensed, and the number of cases of certain contagious and other diseases’. A note on the first return reads ‘The opening of the dispensary not being generally known this return exhibits but a small amount of attendance this month’. [This record was deposited in the Archives separately from the remainder of the collection and originally had the reference code U337. The volume is fragile].

Date : July 1852 – Feb 1854

Level : Item

Extent : 1 volume


Workhouse: Inmates


Indoor Relief Register

Scope and Content: Volume recording and registering the admission, residence, and discharge of inmates of the workhouse. Noted are register number, date of admission, address, sex, age, marital status, employment, religious denomination, observations, and date of discharge or death. Only one indoor register for the Macroom Union has survived. The volume is indexed.

Date : 12 Aug 1916 – 17 Dec 1921

Level : Item

Extent : 1 volume

Cork City and County Archives 2011

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